Large, Fast, Long Lasting Results
Designed to fix Back & Neck Pain
& Muscle
Tightness all over, incl from athletics
& Hands-on Bodywork
Mini Courses
- Worldwide
Individual's Fixes & Therapist training
Testimonials on the Stretching
- incl
yoga teachers, coaches, seniors, people in previous pain, backs, immediate results, etc.
Therapist testimonials
on the DVD training also see
Trainings Page
Also Please see
Home Page
Section 1 incl parts 2,3,5
Explanation on DVDs -- of the Method & it's Benefits
--- it's VERY informative about what the method is & how it does
& adds to what I say on this web page
More length, faster, easier, lasts longer
Unique Stretching Positions & Stretching
Method & also
Teaches how to use other stretches more effectively
People notice they immediately move & stand better
& corrects many pains they had for a while
Very little re-tightening
Brief Section below - WHY bodies retighten
Prevents Repetitive Strain - ie: keep injuring
the same muscles
Prevents repetitive strain - section
Why This Works Better
Key Article:
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
Jump Down to big
Set of Helpful on-this-page
We can PROVE IT WORKS by phone
for you BEFORE you Buy
Free Initial Analysis & In-depth phone
Even from initial free Session
Or Purchase first,
DVDs, w/CD info & E-book Info
Have Consult & Phone
Coached Stretching Sessions later.
via Home Page Buy Now Buttons
Credit Cards, PayPal, Checks, M.O., Western Union, Moneygram
or direct from your PayPal Acct
- Go to Top
Screen - Home
Free Initial Analysis & In-depth phone
stretching/bodywork coaching
Both an immediate loosening &
teaching about your body session
Available Even before you buy Customized to YOUR body
- free follow-ups after you get the DVDs
Or do Free long Session after you order & get the DVDs/CDs
You'll learn good sequences of
stretches to help
your individual issues & your whole body improvement.
& you will learn how to do the stretches even better, with Lou
than if you just follow Lou on the DVDs.
PLUS I coach your technique of self-Bodywork help
Then, when you do the DVDs you know what to do better.
I coach & ship DVDs w/CDs world wide. - E-books download in
The Latest added Stretches
& a Back Fix Sequence
You'll get 3 CDs & a 17 pg emailed attachment
that also explain the overall method of Str Int,
this stretching, & specific structural Fixes
Plus specific sequence of stretches for fixing backs
Detailed Info E-books explain what I & the articles explain, but in much
more detail so YOU become a Bodywork expert.
You'll experience how easy it is to do both the stretches & hands-on
HOW & WHY the System Works so well.
This Works Better
Key Article:
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
Jump Down to big
Set of Helpful on-this-page
Call Lou Directly by
phone 321-726-9083 USA Eastern Time
toll free 1-321-726-9083
or email
& we can also use Skype Voice & Video - incl Overseas
I have free phone service to some countries & Skype-out
is also low cost.
Skype computer to computer
For best results
- please do both
a short phone call & an introductory email, (even explanatory).
I usually return calls & emails within a day, or 2.
from this page as well
PayPal, M/c, Visa,
Amex, Discover
Order DVD- Ebook- Personal coaching, best packages
Contact Lou by phone or email for
check, MO, Western Union
See Home Page top Screen for additional Buy Now Links
Click here for
you can tell Lou about your condition
OK to be brief & even use this just as a guide for your
own email or phone
I also ask you key questions -such as:
What's happening.
What your structure looks looks like.
What helps.
I'll ask more on the phone.
You are Hiring a Bodywork expert as his distance Client
Besides 1-on-1 phone-skype instruction
You get to hear Lou's thorough explanations as much
as you want on the CDs & with the demos on the DVDs.
& you know why & how to use these
to improve your body greatly as well as
even chronic pains, to use a few stretches through the
for work, office, car riding & athletics, as well as a
body stretching system.
How to use your own stretches better, too.
The Ebooks give you in-depth,
easy-to-understand information
that is rarely
found elsewhere.
You get 2-1/2
hrs of CD ROMS & a 17 page write-up
describing how to use the stretches for overall & specific common
conditions & the latest stretching improvements & improved method.
for faster & greater improvements & fixes.
Describes as I do in person: the fascia,
bunching up, interconnected shortness & basic imbalance problems you face,
& how the Structural Integration Bodywork & Fascial-Alignment Stretching
you'll learn, can fix it. And I show you one to one by
phone-Skype as well.
See Lou for a couple of Minutes
Introducing the approach
Plus the links just below
Helps Individuals - even right away on the
Plus how this TRAINS & helps Body THERAPISTS,
Chiropractors, Trainers, Coaches, Nurses, MDs & ODs
Increases Athletic & Senior performance immediately.
You can add parts
of this to your own treatments.
I help you learn how to integrate it in your sessions.
Practitioner testimonials on these DVDs
Clear Information About Fascia
Stretching - WHY it Works
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
Testimonials of This Stretching's
---Fascia Lengthening
including the bellies of the muscles & through Interconnected muscle lines
over each muscle group & whole body areas.
---Corrects even very long term & deep shortness & tightness.
This significantly increases strength, flexibility & accuracy.
And makes the body straighter & more upright.
FASCIA STRETCHING IS EASY - once I teach you how
---Fixes back, neck & other pain & makes people more flexible & relaxed than they've been in a long time.
---Athletes, Seniors, Driving, Computer &
Desk work.
---Teaches how to do yoga &
other stretching for faster, & greater results. I & my
classmates got more length, easier.
---Increases Structural Integration Bodywork
Significantly - proven. I use in my own sessions.
---Enables chiropractic
to get more in & they stay in longer
- Proven even with
accomplished athletes.
---Routinely puts many vertebrae in on its own.
Even works for me, too.
links in my
Massage & Chiropractic from FASCIA lengthening
Different from & Compatible
with Massage
Compatible with &
Increases results of Chiropractic
Other Pains/Tightness
Improves Yoga
abilities Testimonials
Health Practitioners
LINKS on this DVD Info Page
Clear Information About Fascia
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
Testimonials of This Stretching's
to Home Page first long section in left column
VERY INFORMATIVE especially sections 2 & 3
Describes more details of
How it's done
& Why it works.
Describing he method of stretching sections &
interconnected areas
Info on the Free Stretching & Analysis session,
how it helps you
Bodyworkers training.
Testimonials on the Stretching
Yoga, Athletics, everyday life
Even from initial free Session
Long Testimonial from a Senior Athlete
Detailed Testimonials about how the DVDs
helped other Practitioners' Clients
Are you a bodyworker or body
Testimonials from
Structural Integration Bodyworker
& Massage therapists
Detailed Testimonials about how the DVDs
help Practitioners.
Practitioner Support:
I also give you
guidance with your own clients-analysis
Try these linked sections
you about Structure
Helps Clients
My Credentials
prevent repetitive strain injuries
This is Not
the same as similar looking stretches
An Integrated Structure
Info about the Hands-on How-to DVDs
Practitioners use this, sell it, get consults from me
of retightening that this corrects
retightening causes
---Works in seconds & minutes
in daily & work life, in clothes.
---Significantly improves
arm, chest, back. leg tightness, often in a short time.
---Sit & stand straighter & more
relaxed, quickly.
---Even remove head and face tightness
(including eyes & jaw) & look younger, less stressed, think clearer &
be more aware.
---Also excellent as a longer session including after workouts, massages,
& before chiropractic.
---All DVDs are one-to-one Lou demonstrating step by step as I also
describe what we are doing & why.
---You get DVDs,
CDs, in-depth large Ebooks, & One-to-one coaching from Lou
before you buy &/or after.
---For almost everyone,
works very fast & gives noticeable long lasting results even on the initial free phone session.
- Immediate Benefits
Much less retightening than how a number of people have told me they
Teaches you what causes back pain & how to fix it directly & often quickly
Not just a back pain fix --- but
an entire body relengthening,loosening & aligning,
So your structure is functioning
the way it is supposed to.
So it will not develop back pain.
Lou makes my Body work the way it's supposed to
Mike Powell - Olympian, World Record Holder Long Jump
- People feel it's a real rejuvenation.
In the past 12 years as a sports
consultant, I have traveled well over a million miles. And it is
very hard on the body:
I've had various treatments and massages all over the world.
Wow! The single treatment that
I had was truly an enlightening experience. I could not believe the mobility
and flexibility that I had after one session with you. I felt like a new person
with the body of a teenager; in fact, I felt two inches taller. I could bend
and move my neck and back with a freedom I hadn't felt in years. My entire body
felt refreshed.
Because your treatment
encompasses the complete body structure, everything becomes loose and relaxed.
Often, when one has a massage to work
out kinks in a special area, other areas are ignored. That was not
the case with your structural bodywork. Everything works better
after one of your treatments.
Patricia Owens, "Athletic Liason,
(one 2-hr treatment)
Spreading & Re-lengthening
Fascia, the
Soft Connective Tissue
of muscle groups
& knowing the way the body's
architecture is put together
Creates a lot of length, &
gets to the painful areas and the interconnected pulling areas. Even vertebrae click in.
Aligns the Body Sections for
Easier, Upright Posture. Lengthens muscle
bodies between
joints which
significantly increases power & flexibility.
Prevents future back & other pains by showing you as you do it, what parts affect which others.
And in which order and in up or down direction to stretch.
Key to this significant effectiveness:
is a set of techniques combined with the knowledge of which muscle
tightnesses do what to the whole body.
We spread apart the fascia's many collagen
fibers, section by section, along the middle of the muscle & also, in
parallel lines on the left & right areas of the muscle. And we do
this in whole body sets of interconnected muscles.
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
So we have the knowledge about the whole
body interconnections & where to stretch even the key, usually overlooked,
muscles that were distorting your good alignment.
Testimonials from
Structural Integration Bodyworker
& Massage therapists
Detailed Testimonials about how the DVDs
help Practitioners.
Read Clear Information About
Fascia Stretching
Jump to
the Heart of the Matter - "Fascia" Stretching
& the method of stretching sections &
interconnected areas
to Home Page first long section in left column
Sect 2 & 3 in the
First long Explanation of the Method & it's
--- it's VERY informative & offers discount
of DVDs w/CDs Ebooks & My personal coaching
Yoga Practitioners, College Coaches
& keep scrolling 4 more
Also can jump to the:
of testimonials
Even from the phone session
Improvements Testimonials
See Lou briefly explain
"Fascia spreading" &
"Alignment elongation stretching"
on You Tube
Search: louis gross structural integration
or use these links
You Can get
a whole body FREE Structural Analysis session
The Stretching Sequence also
is a testing/Analysis session as the method
increasingly improves your looseness,
length, uprightness, range of motion,
even painreduction
321-726-9083 USA Eastern time
Even with Still Photo Analysis & Skype Video Calls for Analysis & Stretching
& Free communication computer to computer worldwide.
Order DVDs
Structural Info to tell Lou
Even before you choose to buy, I prove this works for you
by you doing it & seeing the results - & how to stretch different
areas because of your starting tightnesses.
---- I teach you what tightnesses are going on in your structure causing muscle tightness
and back pain & other pains.
---- So I solve your tightness pattern
for you by our doing it.
---- You experience with
your own body how to make things considerably better.
-- How people's structure is designed & what creates tightness in it,
-- Why other methods have not helped enough,
-- Common sense understanding of what's been missing.
-- & suggestions of which DVDs to get.
I continue to be there for you,
with free coaching & answer questions on email & phone.
-- I'll also analyze your
structural photos
for you
Just as structural Integrators do in person
I just need full length front, rear &
one side photos
near a door or
window or other vertical line,
plus a 45 deg angle to the back
from upper pelvis to back of neck.
Wear bathing suit or brief running shorts & women add tank or other brief top,
like in running. ---
Attach to an email to me.
---- The
stretches in general, & even the initial session fix a lot of back &
other tightness. I also explain how & why it is helping you, as
we get increasing improvements from one stretch area to another in your
whole body system.
---- Including, You learn why leg
& abdominal-chest fascia shortness is always a factor in back pains,
in reduced physical & athletic performance, & even causing many balance problems.
didn't know you could fix the back
even without touching the back."
from two Massage Therapy Class Students where
gave a guest class at Kaiser University on the Stretching
the Hands-on for fixing back pain & tightness.
---- Many
of these are
easy-to-do-in-clothes standing stretches that can be done effectively,
a few at a time at work, as well as a whole series. Includes
arms & hands, plus backs for working at a computer or driving a car a lot.
Frees up your arms, shoulders, neck chest & upper back significantly.
Restores your easy, erect posture in minutes.
---- Comes with In-depth, thorough,
easy-to-understand large E-books hundreds of pages - & I refer you
to which chapters & which stretches to do, in what order.
---- Also Teaches you how to do
hands-on for yourself in combo with these unique effective
"alignment lengthening" stretches. How combining
stretching & then hands-on in an area gives more length & loosening than
stretches alone. And how the hands-on can get areas lengthened that
don't lengthen & open as well with just the stretches.
--Teaches Massage Therapists, Trainers, Doctors
a method to incorporate in your own work
that work fast,
feels good to do,
makes people feel very good,
& last a long time.
Testimonials from Structural Integration
& Massage therapists
Detailed Testimonials about how the DVDs
help Practitioners.-
Athletics - Dance - Yoga - Meditation - Rehab - Back Pain
- Seniors
Sciatic Pain - Tilted Pelvis - Low Back Pain - Scoliosis - Lordosis -
---- You can do the stretching system & get
professional Structural Integration Bodyworker sessions or use the DVDs 4
& 5 for a local massage therapist to treat you. The self help makes
all their treatments do more & last longer. Even the stretching
increases the benefits from massage sessions.
---- Therapists, chiropractors, Nurses, Doctors, Trainers,
Detailed Testimonials about how the DVDs
help Practitioners.-
---- Also see
Trainings Page
---- Structural Integration Bodywork has been
world wide since the 1960's & is recognized as one of the most effective body
loosening, lengthening, integrating, organizing & aligning methods
It also helps massage, chiropractic, athletic training, & other therapies work more effectively.
---- My combination of this special stretching method & the hands-on is a
Structural Integration Practice.
See easy to Understand
Method of Structural Integration
Just call or email Lou
Skype phone sessions even overseas
home direct to Lou
321-726-9083 USA Eastern time
Let me know good times to call you back
Please include your TIME ZONE or state
Special Combo DVD & Ebook pkgs with Lou's coaching -
& then QUICK ORDER info & Buy Now Button
Key Links for this Web Page
Also Info Just below my photo
WHY this works SO WELL - click here to
jump to
the Heart of the Matter
Fascia Stretching
Understanding the Method
of Section by section Stretching along lines of interconnected muscles, on
right & left as well as center of muscle bellies.
Home Page Left
Column first section.
Initial consultation & Free stretch
before you buy
My Credentials
Video Costs & Ordering Info
of retightening that this corrects
retightening causes
Lots of
Yoga Practitioners, College Coaches
& keep scrolling 4 more
Also can jump to the: Rest
of testimonials
Even from the phone session
Improvements Testimonials
Testimonials about how the DVDs help Practitioner
Hands-on How-to Videos
section below
includes info on which DVDs to
read info of why the Method
well, fast, thorough, long-lasting, even enjoyable
on home page first section - very informative.
- Fixing Backs, Pain, Stress and Tightness with Structural Integration
The Method of section by Section collagen
fiber spreading along lines of muscles & lengthening key areas that cause
misalignments & ongoing tightness & back-neck pain.

Just call or email Lou
Skype phone sessions very low cost for overseas
Please Call direct to Lou - including msgs if I am out
Eastern US time, GMT - minus 5 hrs
Let me know good times to call you back
Please include your TIME ZONE or state
Scroll thru Free Trial &
Ongoing Support
for more Contact & Order info
Lou Gross, BS
Electrical Engineering,
"The Stretching Engineer"
Certified Master Postural Integrator since 1983
26 years & 24,000 hrs experience,
Over 2000
hrs specialized training
Holistic, Energetic & Psychosomatic
Structural Integration Bodywork
Coached Structural Fascia Stretching
phone for over 2 years
... coached one-to-one & classes in person since 1983
About Lou Gross -
professional background
WHY this works SO WELL
- click here to
jump to
the Heart of the Matter
Describing Fascia Stretching
Describing the Method & Sequence of
Home Page Left Column First long
detailed section
Initial consultation & Free stretch
before you buy
My Credentials
Video Costs & Ordering Info
Causes of retightening that this corrects
retightening causes
See "Lots of testimonials:"
Yoga Practitioners, College Coaches
& more
Also can jump to the: Rest of testimonials
Even just from the phone
Improvements Testimonials
Therapists, chiropractors, Nurses, Doctors
also see
Trainings Page
Scroll to next screen for Buy now Button
Costs include 5% PayPal fees
Shipped First Class w/delivery confirmation - included
$134 for Combo DVDs 1,2,3,4 (5 hrs)
Stretching & Self Help Hands-on
+ 3 CD ROMs (2-1/2 hrs)
Fixes Tightness & Back Pain
includes free initial coaching session & 3 Detailed E-books,
almost 400 pages, for backs &
Add DVD 5: $35 =
171, 2- hrs more
Runners, dancers, seniors, tight legs also get DVD 5, deeper & more
thorough legs & deeper pelvis, which loosens & opens abdominals & lower back further,
initially designed for track athletes.
Includes 3 E-Books.
Includes 2 1/2 hrs CD ROM instructions &
& Lou's one to one phone/skype coaching & analysis
Complete detailed mini-courses with hands-on sequence & lots of explanation
--- Massage therapists can learn easily & work on you.
(Usually $195 total or $65 DVD 5 alone)
Indiv Low Cost Special
$96 selection - DVDs 1 stretching & 3 hands-on
Includes 2 1/2 hrs CD ROM instructions &
explanations & Newest Stretches
Good enough for getting started & a good back fixing course
includes Ebook on Body & Ebook on Nutrients for structure
& Lou's one to one phone/skype coaching & analysis
Practitioner Basic Special
$102 - DVDs 1 & 4, w/3 CD's, 2 E-Books, & Coaching
stretching & 3
hands-on w/detailed analysis training, too
What's in the DVDs & which
DVDs to get - more -
this Separate Page
Video Costs & Ordering Info Section Below for
more details
The 100-200 page E-Books are downloadable in seconds.
Discounts for low income folks.
My Self-Help SYSTEM
of Elongation is now more effective
than with only the
great stretches.
You can now combine Hands-on with
1. Bodywork from-to
Bodywork on Yourself,
3. & the Integrated Structure, Fascia Stretching
We use the Bodywork Knowledge to know how
to stretch better, & then the stretching not only loosens and lengthens
all by itself, but also enables the Bodywork to do more. Also, some
parts need more hands on, especially of they are very tight and nearby
areas are looser and in pain. This is a more precise way to use the
combination of the two techniques.
We also use hands-on for places
like the head and face, to release areas the stretching doesn't get much,
but whose local loosening actually releases many other parts of the body.
The DVDs show you how and my consultations even tailor it right to you,
and give the experiences of what works best.
Consult a physician
before starting an exercise program.
Do not stretch against pain.
Instead do interconnected areas of fascia.
Call Lou for help - it's free.
Hands-on FASCIAL lengthening
How-to DVD Videos (NOT Massage)
General Descriptions & Package Deals
All "Videos" means DVDs
Video 3.
Hands-on to do on yourself
Video 4. Backs-Necks-Head-Arms -
Overall Body,
for everyone to help everyone, incl seniors.
Massage Therapist Training
Video 5.
for dancers, athletes,
even seniors
& meditators/yoga students.
Massage Therapist Training Video.
The 3 hands-on Teaching DVD Videos
3 & 4 Both Include
How to Loosen Your Head & Face
for Better Psychotherapy & Emotional Release
as well as making people less stressed and more relaxed
Also makes people look better.
Great for business people & entertainers.
Hands-On for the head &
face is my Complement to what we do in the Stretching Videos. The head
& face don't get stretched much but we know from decades of the Bodywork
experience that their tightness holds all the rest of the body's muscles
tight, even when you stretch.
Head tightness especially keeps necks
tight. It keeps abdominal tension locked in. And it prevents
lower backs from loosening the best.
The other hands-on makes the Stretching work better, too.
DVD Videos 3, 4 & 5
Brief Info - More Just Below with
Package Deals
& on special page - why get
videos 1,2,3,4,5
Massage Therapists can
Immediately Add to their Expertise --
Designed so even non-therapists can do it.
Practitioners Use This Just Below
Testimonials, for My Videos Info Page
*** There's a How-to Do Bodywork on Yourself Video.
Great for therapists, nurses, chiropractors, trainers,
Shows you how to loosen your head, torso,
legs, arms. Relaxing & Loosening.
Works for treating
other people,
too. Adds to the stretching.
Ask Lou for details on content. A
stroke by stroke for heads & upper torso front,
and some strokes plus the method & instruction
some stroke by stroke for the arms, abdomen,
pelvis, and legs, including my unique finger pushing
method & I tell you as I am working on myself what
other body areas release with the strokes I am doing.
also show 2 more twisting stretches for opening up
one muscle from another, I give an analysis of the
typical standard zig zag causing back, neck, shoulder
hip problems, including with a large abdomen, & I
demonstrate a way to release emotional tightness
feelings by shaking the body a certain way &
saying feelings in a certain way, including getting
feelings out of the legs - for current tension & for
helping with releasing old trauma & stuffed
*** Also, a hands-on Instructional
Video, on how to do this
Bodywork to
fix backs on others.
1 hr
45 min on releasing backs, necks, shoulders,
heads, arms -
and then, what to do to lengthen
abdomen, chest, torso, legs that not only
loosens those
areas but also makes the back
even better &
it lasts longer.
Ask Lou for details on content.
A mini-course stroke
by stroke including my unique hands-on method.
*** And one for Deep Legs - Great for Dancers,
Cross-Legged Meditators, Yoga Students, &
Practitioner Lesson
- at this depth the lower torso also
gets looser & the
person gets straighter, with more
release of the
back, too. It also shows you a unique way
to do the backs of
someone's legs as they sit in a chair
or a wheelchair.
1-hr 45 min
Ask Lou for details on content.
A mini-course stroke
by stroke including my unique hands-on method
except near the end the method is shown & from
the earlier parts you would know where to work.
Top of Page Home
Ordering Info
Questionnaire to provide
Info for Lou

Which DVD Videos to
Package deals
& MORE INFO of videos 3, 4 & 5
& Explanations of what they do for people
Packages I recommend based on my experience. Video Nrs.
See Good Details in Paragraphs Just Below
Also SEE: Why get the Videos 1,2,3 Package plus 4 & 5 - Info Page
Explanation Info about the System' Benefits &
its Method
Contact Lou
See Above
310-285-8132, 321-726-9083
Stretching 1
Low Cost & really does
lengthen & help align
Stretching 1 & 2
If you want to stretch a lot &
laying down, too
Stretching 1 & Hands-on 3
Good Basic Combo Package
Stretching 1 & 2, Hands-on 3
Hands-on for Others (& Yourself) 4
Xmas "Gift" Special $49
Stretching 1 & Hands-on to Others 4
Xmas Special $79
These 2 - Great as Gifts to Massage Therapists, etc.
Stretching 1, Hands-on 3 & 4
More instruction than 1 & 3
Stretching 1 & 2, Hands-on 3 & 4
Xmas Special $129 (save
Stretching 1 & 2, Hands-on 3, 4, 5.
ALL Include COACHING as well & Ebooks all me with ANY questions.
For all Videos - please also see my article that
details how to be able to stretch further, easier &
to allow the Hands-on to be able to do more.
Foods for
Trauma-Grief Release Therapy
Clients Get LARGE Discounts on these Videos, because we need to
have you do the hands-on & stretching in order to release the tightness
even deep down in the structure, clear the tightness from your head, I get
your energies flowing more. Depending on whom you have to work on
you, & how much you can stretch yourself, I will be sending you certain
videos & we'll refer you to items during & for between the sessions.
Which DVDs to
get: - a brief summary. Much more details below on each one.
get all.
Individuals with tightness & back pain get: a DVDs 1 2 3 4
includes shipping, two structural Ebooks (over 300 big pages) and some
nutritional emailed pamphlets - 50-100 pgs. And it includes ongoing free
coaching from me to help you choose the best stretches and sequence for
your condition and varying activities and how to do them well.
Ask about special pkgs.
(If you're very low on money, just get DVDs 1 & 2 or 1 & 3,
& I offer discounts for very low income folks.)
DVD 1 is the basic stretches you would want to use and DVD 2
adds more from yoga and that I invented. You get to do more kneeling and
lying down as well as standing that really does add to the benefits from
DVD 1.
DVD 3 is hands-on for yourself. I have found that most people can
do the hands-on that I show, and that adds a lot of looseness and length,
especially when people alternate it with their stretching. And the
hands-on can get at key specific areas more so than just the stretches, as
effective as they are. The hands-on makes the tissue stretch further
after it is done, and the stretches break up muscle hardness and get the
fascia to soften up to prepare for easier hands-on.
I made DVDs 4 and 5 a year after DVD 3, so I like people to get DVD
4 as it shows a lot more for yourself on how to do details for the arms,
legs, pelvis, and even the chest and abs and neck - and head another way
than DVD 3 shows. DVD 3 is specifically for your own hands-on. (But it
can be adapted by others on you incl massage therapists. DVD 4 was
specifically intended for others to work on you but I found that people
can use the info they see in DVD 4 to work on themselves better.
And I offer the free ongoing coaching and consultations for all the DVDs
as well - both hands-on and stretching.
DVD 5 is deeper on the legs and pelvis and duplicates some of DVD
4, but adds more - but it is a lot for someone else to work on you. You
can get that, too, now or later.
I also prefer people do a free initial consult with me with a long
stretching and teaching session on the phone - including some hands-on, so
we can both see how it works for you, where you are tight, how the
interconnected way of stretching various areas makes a difference for you,
and how the hands-on improves looseness easily as well.
1. The 2-Str Videos &
with a Free Back Info or Athletes' Info E-Book
(Save $10) - includes ongoing coaching
(overseas please add $4
shipping & PayPal $4)
2. Add Video 3 - Hands-on for yourself - hands the hands-on to the stretching, including
Bodywork on the Head - Very Helpful.
What You should ALSO Get for Stretching Thoroughly
"Just from doing the head hands-on in Video 3, I sleep
better," said a web
designer, age 50.
Just the Stretching combo (1,2) is
great if you already get deep massage or Fascia Lengthening Bodywork & they do your
head. Especially for stress & back
tightness, loosening the head & hands on fascial
manipulation is very helpful.
From seeing clients'
improvements & watching Video 3 again, I notice My
Hands-on method combined with Stretching method
is better than just the stretching alone.
So I made a discount.
Plus two
muscle spreading apart stretches, an analysis of the basic imbalance causing back, neck, shoulder, & hip problems plus head tightness, & a method to release emotional tension even from deep inside & what got stuffed into the legs.
Also directions on what
needs to be lengthened for cross legged meditation, legs looser & back easier to sit up straight.
You can apply this instruction to enabling you to be able to sit easier with better posture in the car or bus, at school or work, at meal time, etc.
(Now Only - $30 w/both Stretching Videos - on its own $45)
Special Package
including analysis, coaching &
(overseas please add $5 shipping & PayPal add $5)
This 3-Video (1 2 3) , 1-Book selection is the package I recommend to do for yourself by yourself. Add in the Foods for Structure article free on the website for a self-help
Video 2 is helpful for lying down stretches, & more yoga stretches including spine
loosening & inner organ stretching. It also has helpful insights
& another arm stretch & internal mouth stretch.
Further Discount Available.
Economy Package
Substitute Video 3 for
Stretching Video 2:
Stretching Video 1 - for great lengthening,
& Hands-on for Yourself
Video 3,
plus an Ebook, w/Consult-analysis
This does help. Video 1
stretches are very helpful & when adding my new ones I teach in the phone,
some people get big benefits right in the phone coaching. Video 3
teaches you how to do hands-on for yourself a little at a
time, through-out the day, in front of the
computer, while relaxing watching TV, riding in a
car, etc.
The loosening for the face, eyes &
jaw as well as hands helps remove
accumulated strain.
The stretching can also be done throughout the day in 1-minute to 5-10 minutes at a
time, including to loosen arms, legs, neck
& torso in the car, on the job & adding it to
your workout routine.
The twist stretches in Video 3 help separate muscles from each other in the legs,
pelvis & some more torso, so they stretch
further with the elongation stretches & you feel
They also stretch & loosen the internal organs. At the end of Video 3, there's a unique method for releasing emotional tension &
feelings or thoughts that I use with my clients &
there is also an explanation about the zig-zag imbalances we get, & how to help
correct them And if you are a cross legged meditator, or in yoga, there is instruction on where
to lengthen to make the legs looser & to be able
to have the back more upright & easier.
-A Mini Bodywork Course
for family members, friends, athletic coaches, trainers, nurses, &
Chiropractors & sports medicine MD's. Counselors at summer camps as well to help the kids athletically.
a great mini-course for massage therapists, so your own therapist can do this for you & learn a new tool he or she can then use for other clients.
Video 4 by itself
With Athletics, Sports Medicine EBook
& a
phone consult -
4 combined with Video 1
is an excellent set if you work on other people.
You can give the pair as a gift to
Body Therapists.
Videos 1 & 4, 2-1/2 hrs,
incl 200 pg Athletes
& Sports Medicine EBook, Raw Food Details &
consults with Lou.
Videos 1, 3 & 4, 3-1/2 hrs
incl 200 pg E-Book, Raw Foods Info & Consults.
To do hands-on for yourself, Video 4
added to Video 3, helps you get to do more, with a lot more instruction &
stroke by stroke demonstration on the legs, arms & head, as well.
Includes an Email
Digital Photo or postal mailed prints of your structure & further advice
than on the verbal, on where to stretch & do hands-on.
Videos 1,2,3,4, 4-1/2 hrs,
incl 200 pg E-book, 100 pg Back EBook, Raw Foods
Trauma Removal Book & consults.
(overseas please add $5 shipping & PayPal $8)
ALL of Mr. Green's Health & Energy Book, includes
Life Force & Green Leafy Vegetables
Health Experts' Programs
Other Diet Analysis
50 pgs How To for Diet, Cleansing, O2 & More
Brain, Adrenals, etc info
Living Food & Ann Wigmore Info
DVD Video 4 More Details of what's in
Also see
What's in the Videos page for more
Hands-on info in greater specifics for
someone to lengthen & loosen backs
arms, upper chest for the first
Then most
of a second hour to lengthen legs, pelvis
& torso front more, including abdominals, to
create alignment to help backs release more
tension, stand straighter, & not fall back
into the tightness & arch as much.
Tight legs (that we all get) keeps low back tightness
& tension all the way up to the neck & head. Tight legs & arms even
keep chests tight.
Book Explains a lot of this.
This is an actual stroke by stroke hands-on session, showing just how to hold the
hands, where to push, in what order, what
improvements you want to look for &
how to look, & even a couple complementary stretches to add to the hands-on.
It helps in athletics.
The first half on
back, neck, head, arms is with the person sitting in a chair, on a
bed, even sitting on the ground outside.
You can adapt it for someone lying down if they are bedridden. So you can do it all or in
part as a tune up for family, friends, at work,
at the health club. You can do elderly
parents, spouses when they come home from
work, & it's great to relieve back tension
& stress, even helps headaches with the head,
back & neck loosening.
And on the face it makes a lot of people look younger. It removes tightness
from a lot of driving & computer work.
Do Video 4 again & you can get deeper
into more muscles, to make the treatment
do more.
Seniors & Structural Illness
Improvements - Doing what's on Video 4, I have
helped people who have had a stoke or have Parkinson's, MS, Cerebral Palsy or are
confined to a Wheelchair. They get more
mobility & flexibility, better blood & lymph
circulation, greater relaxation, & often even better
expressiveness & happiness.
Also SEE:
Why get the Videos 1,2,3 Package plus 4 & 5 - Info Page
Dancer? Athlete? Runner? Senior?
Add $45 for Video 5, deep legs & a
Third Ebook.
Legs Video
Mini-Course costs
just $55 by itself.
Great for Dancers,
Athletes, Seniors, Backs
So all of the
DVD Videos, (7 hrs)
(regularly $225)
3-EBooks (individually total $55) & the Health-Energy-Diet Book
(individually $25)
& My phone teaching, plus the free email digital photo structural
analysis (individually $25)
This is the package I recommend for
practitioners & for people with tight legs, or students with tight legs, & dancers & runners who preferably have help to work on parts of themselves they cannot reach. Even help from fellow Dancers & athletes - you can work on each other. Seniors can usually improved leg
looseness, too.
Also SEE:
Why get the Videos 1,2,3 Package plus 4 & 5 - Info Page
Order Info
Top of this page
Home Page
Both Videos 1 & 2 Include
Note: Professional Stretcher on Secluded Porch
Position effectiveness requires what to do with different parts of the
Get Dynamic Movement, Fascia Spreading Instruction for Whole System
from Stretching Video
Click photos to
"Advanced" Back Pain Correction Stretches - even helps
sciatica & other low back pain
Deep Leg & Thigh Stretches, including a few hamstring & adductors
Arm, Shoulder & Neck Stretches, incl deep within the torso connections
Postural Improvement Stretches, including deep pelvic muscles
Face & Head Tension Removal Stretches
- Tightness from "Sitting in
cars & chairs" Stretches are "built-in"
- Teaches the Why's of
stiffness & back pains, & what to do to fix them
- Also shows you how loosening many parts of your structure improves each
individual part further.
-Increasing Mental Focus and Improving Concentration techniques
are "built-in" to all the positions. You get to stay more
in the present and more in your own body.
Increases people's physical and
psycho-somatic results from my
Structural Integration Bodywork treatments, including my Postural Integration.
So I now use them in all my hands-on sessions and encourage people to do
them in between sessions.
More testimonials
Home Page Ordering
Info Top of Page
Consult a physician
before starting an exercise program.
Do not stretch against pain.
Instead do interconnected areas of fascia.
Call Lou for help - it's free.
You can do these stretches at work, when getting
out of the car on a trip, or around the house one or two at a time - to
refresh yourself immediately, and you can incorporate a lot all together into your
exercise routine.
Consult a physician
before starting an exercise program.
"Even a week later, the
long term pain I'd removed
from my right side and low back, from just
the first part of Tape 1, are
still gone."
Health Product Company Owner,
with Video 1 is doing wonders for my legs."
Avid Social Dancer,
Many Stretches for the Back, Chest, Abdominals,
Chest and Sides, including organs; for the Pelvis,
Buttocks & Groin Attachments, all round the Thighs
the lower Legs, especially the hamstrings, calves,
adductors & inner lower legs; and also the Shoulders,
Arms & Hands, Face, Jaw, Eyes, Head & Neck.
It teaches soft connective tissue "fascia"
and a method of "interconnected"
lengthening, including
how lengthening one body
part releases other parts.
Lots of education about how to straighten the
upright posture of the body to bring the neck & head
up, open the shoulders from the rounding down, and
especially correct the tight muscles pulling down
the front, that often causes back pain and
overall muscle tightness & stiffness.
Specifically has leg stretches and others to
improve low back pain & tightness.
Adds to the first tape, going thru a famous yoga
series, both standing and floor stretches, explaining
and where they help the body, plus more of
Lou's special
stretches, including some effective lying
down ones
for the back, with more for the arms,
shoulders, and neck.
There's also a standing up series for the neck.
There's self massage, all over the body, including
face, and massage you can do to remove fatigue
at work.
There's an energy balancing
technique for the
meridian flows that go through many of
our muscles, & how that helps
us. And there's
demonstration, on how to get even longer
lengthening, through neck, torso, arms
and legs, by getting assistance from a friend.
Hire Lou, himself, or
get his
consulting advice.
Also - Get Lou's 30 page booklet of how
to find,
interview &
work with a
I do inexpensive advisory
consultations with practitioners - for back pain & structural tightness
assistance, where to stretch and do hands-on, explanations, analysis even
with photos of the person's structure front, back & side.
Or get Lou's 160 page Book on
How to Make Your Body Work Better
& Do More for You.
It includes this booklet as one of its chapters.
So does the 200 page Athletes' &
Performing Artists' Book.
The Body Works Better book tells you how and why the method works, in great detail, for
therapy & performance improvement, on particular areas of the body, and by
transforming the entire body into a highly efficient "tensegrity" system.
It explains how our "structures" work, how you can find, interview & work with a
practitioner, and gives you ideas of how to improve your own structure &
that of your clients.
The Athletes' & Performing Artists' book includes
all of this and more. It gives more specifics on which muscles
affect which other muscles in an interconnected structural way, more
information on Structural Body Reading, & more information about
Interconnected and aligned structure, and the benefits of having a
2-legged structure instead of four.
Both have a series of chapters on how to use
this system with massage, trigger point therapy, chiropractic,
acupuncture, physical therapy, psychotherapy, body oriented personal
growth psychological therapy, movement education & professional expression
I also
give classes in the stretching, including at
seniors centers,
athletic teams, in dance classes and massage therapy schools, and for one on one trainings
and personal classes.
Regularly, I even do stretch coaching on the
phone .
Integrators, Massage Therapists,
Physical Therapists, Athletic & Personal
Trainers, Chiropractors, MD's, Nurses
can all use specific
stretches from this in a
Session or visit,
as I do, & teach it to their
I talk to
practitioners about how they can do this.
And you can even sell my videos.
You can intersperse specific stretches with the
Hands On or start & finish with a few, key Whole-Body lengthenings.
Give them stretches they can do at home.
Great for Athletes to incorporate the fascia stretching into
their workouts, and even in the gym & on the golf course.
Even coach clients through stretches they
already do,
teaching them how to lengthen the fascia better.
It gives greater results
from the hands-on alone.
It teaches things like
how to lengthen the front shortness to release the back, how to lengthen
other areas that help the back loosen right away
and lets us stand up
straighter & lighter.
They learn it because it happens with the stretches.
Stretching for Massage,
Bodywork, Chiropractic & Personal Trainers - right in the sessions - for
greater length & looseness, easier.
See Bodywork (& this
Stretching Method)
Stretching helps
helps massage
Also See Below
Trains Practitioners &
Helps Patients
Testimonials, for My Videos
Stretching & Bodywork Testimonial
from a long-term senior athlete, personal trainer & avid
Return to Testimonial group above
Top of Page
20, 2003
Lou ...
Thank you so much
for the wonderful birthday gift of a treatment.
Your bodywork is magic. I wanted to tell you about how good I feel
now that you have released some of my tightness that I've lived with
for too many years.
Your work has elongated and freed-up major points in my structure that
no other therapies have so quickly and effectively accomplished. You've
got a gift and I'm blessed to have been the recipient of your insight
and masterful to the point manipulation.
That is only the beginning, for last night I stretched for one hour
using your tape and found a whole new person inside myself. With the
mental pictures you employ to direct your method of "mind into body"
stretching a whole new and more effective stretch is achieved.
My background of over twenty years of bodybuilding, competitive and
recreational cycling, running and swimming have unfortunately left
me with an unbalanced and tighter structure than the non-athlete. Muscle
enhancement doesn't always equal muscle balance. In fact most competitive
athletes suffer from imbalances in their overdeveloped musculature.
With the enhanced conditioning process comes more strength and more
fitness in many areas but all the components of fitness do not benefit
through standard training methods that are being used and taught today.
My background as a professional fitness instructor and personal trainer
with a special certification in designing resistance training programs has
taught me that
One of the major components of fitness is flexibility!
Flexibility that is taught to the masses will never begin to compare to
your program.
Return to Testimonial group above
Top of Page
Most flexibility routines fall short because like the resistance training
programs I've been taught, they often concentrate on isolation alone.
Even when we use multiple joint activities were always trying
to isolate. That system is very effective in producing a particular
result. Yet it also produces imbalances that lead to over-training
injuries in the bodybuilding world and our even elite competitive and
Olympic athletes suffer from these short comings.
Traditional training programs and advanced programs with all their
specificity do not address the total needs of a balanced and properly
functioning body.
Unfortunately today's Sports Medicine field has left most of us vulnerable
to only their time tested and proven designs and solutions. Thus we have an entire industry built to render short term
fixes to these all to common inadequacies. Injury runs
rampant in this industry.
Your system is a vital and missing link in the attempt for many
individuals who are trying to reach their maximum athletic potential and
minimize down time due to injury.
Return to Testimonial group above
Top of Page
Although I've only experienced one session of your unique bodywork and
stretched for one hour to your video on integrated flexibility, I've found
a place of my own body to mind experience I've never before achieved.
After you worked on my legs and the hip and groin area, you asked
me to explain to you, how I felt when I stood up. I really must say the
smile on my face told a huge story but I didn't know quite how to explain
it at that moment.
It was such a new sensation that I actually had to spend some time with
the effects of the one treatment to properly explain it.
Now that 48 hours have elapsed I've found the closest explanation would be
similar to a partial antigravity effect. In that I mean I feel lighter
on my feet. Much more fluid in my movements and there is an awareness of a
definite release of energy that was once spent to support my then, unfelt
I've spent many years having an intimate relationship with my bodies
strengths and shortcomings. I no longer feel "stuck in my tightness"
but now have a glimpse at a new image of a refined flexibility. It's what
you call elongation and it's what I call elation!
This new awareness results when I feel myself going beyond that point
of the stretch reflex to a new level of flexibility. It's like
experiencing the results of assisted stretching for the first time, except
I'm now using your mind in the body images instead of an external
Thank you
Lou Gross, for a program more effective than anything else I've ever
experienced. I would definitely recommend it to any person who uses their
body as a tool in their profession and requires exceptional performance.
Return to Testimonial group above
Top of Page
From a Structural
Integration Bodyworker in the US who has studied from many other videos
would absolutely buy the entire series and/or any advanced work tapes you
would make because where my work was very good before, it is better now
and could only become better yet with more input of this quality. I've got
just about everybody's videos but in two days I've gotten more mileage out
of your one technique tape and two adductor stretches than I could have
imagined. The others are more professionally produced and edited, but
yours is more like a real life session with all of those little moments
that make up a therapists work life.
Any one can say spread the fascia along this line, but you show and say
to spread the fascia here and here and here and here, this way and that
way and again over here and around and again, and this is how you do it
with a little of this now and a little of that then - the way it really
has to be in a session. And why, and what is impacted, and what you feel.
The general idea is common, the detail is precious and rare. And I think
the nibbling technique is more effective, esp at the beginning of
loosening, than the long stroke techniques.
Bottom line is I am more than happy, found many more than one gem to
use, and my work is now irrevocably changed and more effective as
yesterday's sessions proved to me and to my clients. Please make more
videos - soon - and let me know when they're available. I believe that
if you were to have some professional editing done that you would have a
very solid market through Massage Magazine and others and/or through the
massage supply companies. I am trained and experienced and have 3
cabinets of videos to draw from as well as a large number of
continuing ed workshops under my belt and maybe that's why I got so much
from your video or maybe yours is just more full of real and useful
technique than the others, but either way I think more therapists
should have the benefit of these DVD's.
And How in heaven's name are you able to work and narrate at the same
In general, what I've seen is a demo on what
to do and how to do it, but almost never the full doing of it, certainly
never the doing from start to finish, top to bottom, or section to section
(as you do). They may say to repeat a maneuver going more deeply as
you go, but I've never seen that done or gotten such a feel for the
nuances of doing that. And I'm convinced that it's the nuances that make
the difference. I also like that you show that it does take more than
an hour to get an area properly lengthened
Had your video shown me nothing other
than the nibbling technique you use (by this I refer to your loose fist
fascial pulling) for 5 minutes on the adductor and another two minutes on
the calf, it would have been just another video to put on the shelf.
The nibbling is great but I don't think just a few minutes would have
convinced me to adopt it. I watched it for two hours, feeling and
sensing it, watching it work and seeing the impact before I completely
bought it.
A DVD that takes a realistic amount of time to get from point A tightness
to point B length is something that I've never seen before. You show the
alignment before and after, along with the imbalances that still exist and
what areas account for that - it's realistic, in real time, humble in
that you're not saying that you performed a miracle in an hour and we
should too, but good work done carefully and thoughtfully and
completely within realistic parameters.
I thought it was obvious
- the focus in both the Bodywork and in the stretching is lengthening of
targeted tissues for the purpose of alignment and is ideally the way to
achieve alignment. Not everyone will do both, but I humbly submit that
they ought to. And I think that Bodyworkers should have the stretching
information to enhance their work and give clients self-help potentials
and let's face it, bodywork goes better with stretchers. And lasts longer
and doesn't hurt as much. I couldn't live without stretching and I don't
know how other people do it.
I've read the books and
printed sections for particular clients who are interested in their
bodies' function to read and to explain to the reluctant why I do what I
do and that they should allow me. Your books for the lay person are
actually much more informative regarding the why's of each step of the
recipe than the class I took.
If you have any more technique videos send them along right away - I don't
care how rough they are, I just want my clients straight and comfortable
ASAP. I would even be pretty happy with videos of sessions without
narration if that's what it takes. Psoas and chest would be priorities
for me personally as I don't feel that I impact my clients quite enough in
those areas with the efficiency I'd like if it were my body on the table.
Or a full series, or advanced deeper work, or or or or - whatever I can
From a Psychiatrist in Asia who is also a
Massage Therapist & Meditator
Your backbook is easy reading,
informative, and enjoyable. Haven't finished it though-- am in the
middle of it. So far, I feel great doing the stretches. I've done the
bodywork on around 30 folks and many want repeat sessions- can't wait
for your upcoming instructional materials!
Compared to other videos of hands-on
instruction, I believe that your approach is more
body/mind/emotions-oriented and that would jive quite well with my
practice of wholistic healing. I appreciate the way you integrate PI/SI,
Reichian bodywork, and Netherton Therapy as it seems to add a new flavor
to plain deep tissue massage. Haven't you ever thought of giving your
work a new name, or naming your work after you? After all, I think that
the work you do has evolved and acquired a distinct character.
From a Kinesiologist - Massage Therapist in
Europe who works on lots of Athletes.
when I use your hands on technique the fascia is more free, ditto for
muscle. I use a bit of lubricant for a better result. I alternate
this approach with stretching and other passive/active work.
Then when I work with the athlete I use some techniques in High Intensity
training days, other in Low Intensity training days. In a general session
I work with passive/active fascia release.
Your technique is better instead of the old long and hard longitudinal
rubbing, that cause more pain, muscle damage and long muscle recovery.
When I've seen it, I said to me: Ouch. Yours is really simple and
effective...great Lou! and I've tried on my body, too.
the last therapy (Video 4, how to do more hands-on, backs, legs, torso,
head, neck, arms) I've used only your technique & not the kinesiology I
usually do, to see if you Bodywork technique also did the muscle balance,
and the test after the Bodywork WAS good!!!
I was in Belgium for a swimming race, and then to Milan for a 2 long weeks
of work. I've done only a lower body release for most of them and some
trigger point work.
And I've worked a lot with injured athletes and with your stretching
From a Personal Trainer who is also a
Professional Volley Ball Player whom I did a lot of Bodywork on as well
I've been working with a few clients
and I tried some of the hamstring and lower leg
stretches we went over. They seemed to think it was very helpful.
Return to FIRST Listing of
Videos above
Return to SECOND Listing of Videos above
Top of Page
With a Marketing paragraph and Link for a Genital Herpes Herbal
The following article was written by another
company in a trade they requested so that we could share related
information. I am interested in natural and herbal health myself,
and their company makes a natural health remedy for Genital Herpes.
I want you to know that at this time I have not tested it myself.
And I have never had genital herpes myself.
Since it is such a nice article, written by professional copywriters
even, and I know that a lot of people seek medicines for Genital
Herpes, I thought there could be a double benefit if I included it on this
If you, the reader, & my
potential customer for Bodywork & Bodymind support, have objections to
this being on my site because you think it is improper, in bad taste, etc,
Also, if you like this particular article & think its information is good
for people to know about, also please let me know.
Just a sentence in an email either way is fine - or more specifics either
way if you like.
Stretching Videos – Do I need them?
Did you know that stretching videos
are among the most popular fitness videos sold around the world?
The benefits of stretching are many, and their importance cannot be
overemphasized. Stretching videos aim at increasing your flexibility,
and as a result, provide substantial health benefits, such as:
Heightened physical
performance, and more efficient body movements. It takes less energy to
move a flexible joint than a stiff joint.
Decreased risk of
Joints receive an
increase in blood supply and nutrients.
Increase in synovial
fluid (fluid around a joint), and a decrease in its thickness. This
allows better nutrient exchange.
Increased neuromuscular
Improved balance.
Decreased risk of lower
back pain.
Herpes Treatments and how
Stretching helps to keep the Virus at bay
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) virus is
one of the most common viruses in America and thus
genital herpes treatments
are much sought after.
The virus can get inside
almost any kind of human cell, reproduce in vast numbers, and linger for
years in the body, causing everything from recurrent genital blisters to
sores around the mouth. Its complications can kill, and it may increase
susceptibility to many nerve and brain disorders. True, the problems are
However, stretching can help keep the
virus at bay. Stretching and exercises keep the body fit and thus
strengthen the natural immunity system. This goes a long way in
reducing the chances of getting infected with the herpes virus.
The 10
benefits of Stretching
videos are indispensable if you are looking to receive the 10 benefits of
stretching. Do you know what they are? In case you don’t, here’s the
Elongation of Muscle
Increase in Strength of Muscle
Improvement in Weight Control & Exercise
Decompression of Joints
Decreased Chronic Pain
Increase In Normal Sleep
Improvement In Sports Performance
Improvement In Joint Pain & Arthritis
Improvement In Joint Range of Motion
Reduction of Injury During Work or Sports
Stretching videos
are great for learning how to relax your tired and aching muscles and
unwind after a stressful day. Most stretching videos feature programs that
will teach you how to limber and lengthen every part of your body with
easy-to-follow instructions.
Stretching for Seniors
Being fit is important to everyone. And although many people decrease
their exercise as they age, continuing to exercise has definite benefits
for older people.
Flexibility and stretching, which help
provide a full range of motion, can help you function at home, at work,
and socially. Everyday tasks that are difficult – such as tying shoelaces
or reaching to a shelf may become easier. Most flexibility that is
seemingly lost through aging is caused not by aging but by inactivity or
lack of movement. Stretching videos can help you stay younger effectively.
Stretching activity does not have to
be strenuous. Seniors can gain significant health benefits with a moderate
amount of stretching activity. And the best time to start is now! One
study has shown that modest increases in how long you live are possible
even if you don't start exercising until 75 years of age.
Stretch your way to flexibility and
relaxation with stretching videos. Everyone can benefit from
stretching on a regular basis. The good news is that stretching and
relaxing is becoming more and more popular as fitness awareness increases.
With the right combination of dynamic and static stretches, you can start
a simple yet effective regimen that you will benefit from for as long as
you live.
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