Now - what does this Phone consult & stretching
It shows you with your own body
& explains to you, what to do
for your tightness and/or pain
- & how to use the
much more detailed, unique Stretching Videos,
and other resources I can provide.
Here's My Idea & Purpose
For the cost, or half
the cost, of one
Structural Integration Bodywork session,
you can have
2-hrs of video that coaches you
thru how to stretch a lot of your
"fascial" body, better;
even how to do yoga stretching better.
And you can look at it all or in part as many times as you want.
I find it makes the hands-on more effective,
improves the ease & results of chiropractic adjustments,
& after getting the muscle tightness
loosened with deep massage,
it enables people to stretch further because this approach can
then re-lengthen the fascia more.
See Article
Improves Chiropractic
See Article Different
from but helps Massage
See E-Book Info Page The
Underlying Cause of Back Problems
You can
use what you learn, right away, to get better, every day.
And the videos add many more stretches and
clear visual and verbal
instruction. After purchase, you can further consult with me, for free,
about how to use the
videos &
your other stretching even better.
Why to get the
Videos 1,2,3,4,5 Package
Info Page
Includes brief Info on Which
DVDs to get
This is a
Different Way to Stretch
than most people,
even Athletes & Massage Therapists
do not do.
It is not an "isolated" muscle stretch.
It is not calf stretching or shoulder
stretching, etc.
Instead, it is an interconnected "muscle line" or
Groups of Areas Technique of "spreading" the fascia. You could say I
teach you how to re-lengthen the shortened fascia of your body system, and
NOT how to stretch your muscles.
So, the reason I like to communicate
with people before they buy anything is that these Videos are
teaching versus you do stretches you see others doing, with the same
technique you have been doing before, like a class is doing it. By
coaching you one on one, I add to the coaching of the same technique I do
on the videos.
And, the videos may not have all the stretches we would do on the phone
and they would have them maybe in not the best order for you - even tho if
you do the stretches altogether you are going to get all the
I just want you to be as satisfied doing stretches in your own home or office as you
would if I was there doing hands-on in person. This gets optimum
If you just want to order videos with your own
confidence and not want coaching,
just contact me by phone or email and I will tell you where to send the
payment and how.
Lots of
people do well from the videos alone.
Getting my latest. additional
stretches &
getting direction on how to loosen
your own tight body, helps
much more.
Here's a technical explanation in layperson's terms.
The fascia is a body-suit made of pliable putty,
millions of tiny fibers immersed in fluid between your muscle fibers &
making up tougher corn-husk like wrappings around groups of many muscle
fibers. So fascia surrounds and goes thru every muscle. It
also surrounds the whole body and is used as "filler" between the organs.
On tight people it has
become short & hard, and I guarantee that trying to
stretch your tightest or painful areas, with local stretching only, will almost
surely not give you the amount of release you want.
Fascia can be thought of as a whole body shape body-suit and it encases all your muscles, bones and organs.
It also is made up of many layers simply because your muscle system is
made up of many layers and fascia is throughout all the muscles
So, for instance, to
release neck pain, you must spread fascia along the whole back, arms,
chest & head as well as on the sides of the neck, the spinal area of
the neck, the front of the neck and the back of the neck, and you have to
continue lengthening the fascia into all the interconnected muscle areas,
by pulling the collagen fibers in all these layers and areas back out
further apart in the fluid and wrappings areas.
My approach takes this anatomy into account. It is a
technique that
many people have learned to do on the phone and/or from my one on
one video instruction.
And my UNIQUE "stretching positions" teach you how
to do this technique so you can get a lot of benefits from these positions
AND you can see & feel how to use the technique in your yoga or other
athletic stretches.
Just trying to "stretch the neck" is physically
impossible. Just trying to stretch the hamstrings & get a BIG
release is physically impossible. Just trying to spread the lower
back is physically impossible. Bodies, in the fascial body suit, AND
in your muscle-bone-muscle interconnections are not made in isolated
Therefore, this technique softens, spreads and lengthens
your Fascia-Putty body suit in whole areas & from one area to another.
Right on the phone as well as with the videos.
And for most people, it gets better and looser each time you
practice it - even for 1-2 minutes at a time, even at
work, in the car or at home with the baby.
And, by using my unique
stretching positions and methods, along with my explanations of
inter-connected body structure for you, we can both tell where you are
exceptionally tight and use the correct fascial lengthening and widening
exercises to relengthen the different sections of your structure so it
gives way and does not hurt the other parts of your structure, like trying
to lengthen the thighs causes lower back pain, or trying to lengthen the
upper back without lengthening the abdominals, chest, arms and legs first,
can make the back or neck hurt more.
I have even released the tightness causing sciatic pain from an Olympic
Level Shot Putter and a Health Club Manager - both just by my stretching
Bodywork process, in less than an hour each.
Most people I phone coach & educate,
increasing improvement
in the 20-30+ minutes.
I spend longer with people who need more.
This kind of
Structural Fascia Stretching will also
increase the benefits of the much more expensive
(& Very Helpful) hands-on work in your area, if you
choose to get that as
well - I recommend it.
I also have hands-on
help-yourself How-to DVD Videos
that can come along with the Stretching
I even show you how to do some of this
in the free
stretching session.
This is very helpful because it shows how
to loosen your head and it helps you get further looseness all over,
including your arms and chest - and can be done most places a little at a
time during the day. This is very helpful for people who work a lot
with their arms, including typing on a computer a lot at work.
Everyone gets head tightness and loosening it
further relaxes the whole body, removes stress, helps the energy
flows, presses on reflexes to help inner organs, and especially enables
people to receive more information without feeling stressed, and process
that information better and easier. It even improves emotional
demeanor and interpersonal feelings.
For examples of how Bodywork has reduced Stress,
see these
Stress Removal & Professional
Performance Improvement testimonials.
think many people can do at least a significant amount for themselves.
And with the DVDs 4 & 5 Hands-on session, you
& your
family can do even more for each other,
for backs and even seniors
tightness improvement,
athletics tightness removal and flexibility,
and looseness improvement,
and for work stress erasure.
See Also Two Separate Pages
Includes which DVDs to get: Lou's Free phone consult adds
info, just 4U.
What's in the DVDs & some info on
combining them
Long Q &
A on Structure, Backs, Pains, Misalignment, Interconnected Muscles
See the Seniors testimonials for
ideas about what you can do
for your older parents.
Back and
Other Pains and
Tightness Removal testimonials. And
Olympic Athlete &
10K runner - marathoners
Return to
Top of this Article
To order Anything, Please Contact Lou
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at this time.

I was told by my doctor
that I probably have fibromyalgia,
was put on a dairy-free / wheat-free diet, and supplements such as fish
oil and vitamin C (for inflammation). Some mornings my legs seemed almost
paralyzed, and it would take 15 minutes to loosen up all my joints before
getting out of bed. After shuffling and hobbling around for the first
hour, I would gradually begin to limber up enough to make it through the
I discovered Lou's website on
the internet, and called him.
Lou was very patient, asked questions, and listened.
Then he guided me through a process
of stretches over the phone.
They were a bit intense but gentle at the same time. I was sweating
heavily and drank water - it seemed like a lot of 'junk' was sweating out
of me.
Over a couple hours on the phone I
learned ; !.) how to make immediate changes in my diet 2.) how to do
the stretching on my own 3.) how to release muscle tension caused by
trauma. The next day my legs had improved. I continued the stretching
throughout the day. The second day my legs were noticeably different.
I could get out of bed right away, the pain had lessened, and I wasn't as
I am very impressed with this
technique. Months of chiropractic and massage therapy did nothing to
affect change the way this has, and I actually feel hopeful for the first
time in months.
I would like to
recommend Lou
to anyone who feels they suffer from
the same condition. Lou is
also a very compassionate person to talk to.
L.Z. Phoenix,
legs feel SO MUCH better, especially the left one, just from the
mini-session I did in my office. Day before
yesterday I felt a warmness going up my spine.
left eye has changed for the better. God bless you.
you so much for the
guidance on the phone (she
tried 2 special leg stretches in her office cubicle). After
receiving the tapes, practicing with Video 1 is doing wonders for my legs.
Office Worker & Avid Social Dancer,
Lou Coached me thru some of his stretches for 25 minutes - right there in
an herb shop relaxation area, and
my chronic hip pain was gone, my leg
tightness was much better, and I felt taller, more upright & more flexible
all over.
And I have been stretching &
getting body treatments that did not fix this.
Mother, Teacher, Part time Ballet
I've Been Stretching Daily for 30
years & I learned things from Lou right in the free initial phone call
with 3 stretches for both sides.
I went out & played squash right
after & my movements & performance were much better.
Then I got the Stretching
Videos. Tremendous Stuff,
wonderful, beautiful. You even mention the muscle names & what they
72 yr old Fitness
Expert Athlete in Australia
Here are Details of the
Free Bodymind Release Consultation
& the Ongoing Sessions
to first Understand Basic but detailed Info Article
the consult and with reference to articles on the website, I'll Explain How
Negative & Upsetting Emotions Really! Get Stuck in the Body & How to
Easily & Thoroughly Remove Them.
It's quite different from what a lot of people think. But I
know my understanding is correct because my methods work 100% of the time,
for 21 years already, and give much better results than the many methods
other people have done.
But, I do more than remove old trauma & emotions from the body, which I do very well. In addition, the Negative Messages of Your Mind are Often
NOT YOUR messages. They were put into you long ago by other people. This method can get them out,
We remove negative belief and command systems, And we change the
form and quality of the body, thought patterns & its energy field at the
same time, from the negative manifestation to a very positive and capable
long term condition.
This is not just a body manipulation technique,
or just an energy and tension removal - but we do release the body and
release old tensions and energies, that people feel go out of them right
in the session - even in a session over the phone.
I use my State-of-the-Art Structural Stretching
techniques & Reichian therapy methods, as well as the unique and highly
effective school taught Morris Netherton Techniques I have been using for 20 years.
Not EMDR, nor the usual Reichian, rebirthing,
hypnosis nor a re-living & repeating, going
over it technique, like some Psychotherapists use.
Not a conscious mind analysis
either. But your conscious mind does participate and you remain
alert and in control during the entire activity. You can stop or
pause any time, eat or go to the rest room, yet you can also remove more and more old stuff.
And you will be "present" and "centered" at the same time that you are
emoting or acting the energies. This is a gently controlled
laboratory technique of finding and expressive-releasing the energies that
got stuck inside you. THAT removes them, in a rather non-traumatic
You stay you, and at the same time, you do a processing technique
to remove the old energies.
So this is not a stirring up method to get you all overwhelmed with
the emotions. That does not cleanly release all the old
energies. What we bring up, is removed from you
right then. In fact, what you're already had, for years, gets
cleanly removed.
This is a Focused, Dissolving-out Method
in use for 45 years. Immediate, permanent, cumulative results.
Significant clearing in each 1-2 hour session. People's Bodies feel
cleaner, more relaxed, and more open, without feeling so vulnerable as
before. People say it's been removed out of them.
The result of THIS method is that people feel more confident
& less tight to a deeper level inside them.
We "use" your consciousness & your brain's abilities as well as
your awareness and physical condition. And I give you information &
insight verbally, as we move through old episodes and clean them out of
you in a non-traumatic manner. I coach you through the sequence of
events in the old episodes, those that had their energy imprints stuck
inside them.
We go step by step, line by line, and even if you did not remember
the events or details, the energies of the body can be removed as they
come to consciousness with the body loosening techniques we use.
The big results are because we actually remove the embedded
energies you picked up in tight, tense, fearful & stressful circumstances,
even back through pre-verbal, infancy, birth & pre-natal times, even when
you do not remember, & especially, when you do not remember, the events.
Your body has the old tensions and energies and with Netherton-Body
techniques, your consciousness can access them and remove them.
Besides physical tension, it simultaneously removes
emotional upset, depression, anger, flashbacks, fears, guilt, blocks,
phobias, stored sorrow, even suicidal thoughts.
As I said above, besides the energies & tightness, we simultaneously remove negative belief systems
& negative commands from others, from those times, out of
your unconscious mind & from the body structure & its energy fields.
This includes the attitudes and words that were said by abusers when they
did bad things to you, or even from well meaning people while you were
unconscious. Further, we remove things you don't even remember were there, whether from
an adult loss or from a childhood trauma.
We even remove key
episodes you didn't even know were there from infancy, birth, prenatal &
the creative unconscious. In these cases, we remove the negative
feelings and even sentences, that your body absorbed energetically, without
your thinking nor analyzing them,
from Mother, Father, other adults and
siblings and even doctors and nurses in the birthing experience & while
you were still in your mother's womb or birth canal.
We remove what went in as Direct Energy Implantation. It did not go
through the brain's analysis. In fact, THE material that's in the
subconscious causing the ongoing blocks and trauma is what did not get
analyzed I the brain. That's why we use this technique to access and
get them out. We treat them for what they really are, foreign energies,
not you; pollution.
And we increase the quality of
more & more of what you are.
By removing these tensions and
other people's words and energies from your structure, the amount of you
that is cleared gets larger, and you then have more space inside of you to
use for yourself and your accomplishments.
Almost anyone can do it, even if they
had trauma for years, & people get better at it as the clearing out &
overall improvements continue.
As your clearing &
transformation continues, I give you more in-depth, explanations about why we're
doing it, and why you're feeling better at deeper levels of
your body-mind. I also give you a roadmap of what levels we'll be going
through & how you'll increasingly benefit.
Now that I've cleared out a very big
trauma, (with 2, 2-hr sessions over the phone) I feel a LOT better &
I feel confident that I'll be able to get all this life long painful
& disturbing stuff out of me and gone.
I can see there is a
light at the end of the tunnel. I'd tried other methods,
including going over and over the old event with the therapist.
That didn't really work. I'd done other techniques that did
help some, but I still had been filled with the same old stuff.
Lou's method actually removes the material & I felt it coming off.
I felt immediately better physically as well as emotionally &
mentally. And his explanations & support while we're doing the
sessions is very helpful. I'm lucky to have found him
Testimonial -BodyMind Therapy & Bodywork 4-Week Travel Visit
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