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TESTIMONIALS: Increasing Athletic Performance
detailed reports - Pt 1 of 4
by Lou Gross, School Certified Master Postural Integrator
25 years successful experience
Lou - Professional Bio
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call 321-726-9083
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Report Testimonial of: 24 hrs
treatment in a week, on a "Travel Intensive"
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"Fast" Scanning
of the Testimonials: Read bold
black and
"Faster" Scanning: Read just
red and
Red points out the major benefits the athlete was enthusiastic about!
(many 2-hr and 4-hr sessions)
Athletic Performance Improvement
Lou makes my body work the way it's supposed to
work. The Structural Integration Bodywork treatments allow me to do what I do, easier, and more fluently.
And when I really have to work hard or dig deep, I'll be able to go
After each session my flexibility,
range of motion, speed and balance are all better. When I get
to the warm-up, that's when I realize how much more I have. My range of
motion is so increased that it takes me some workouts to get it integrated
with my strength and technique. And when that happens my overall
performance gets even better.
After the third session, I had the best
workout I ever had in my life and jumped 28-2, almost two feet
longer than last years best in a workout. Even when I'm tight, I've jumped
27-6. The looser I am, the easier it is to get out there. I had the
speed and strength before, but the flexibility I've gotten from the
treatments allows me to utilize it.
I also don't have to work at control as much; now it
just happens, and I only have to work on the areas that need work. My
overall body positioning is also better, and the way I walk and stand is
better. I added the bodywork after I had already been getting
Myo-matic electrical stimulation in physical therapy. I've noticed that
the two treatments are mutually supportive; after bodywork the Myo-matic
seems to be more effective and vice-versa. Lou's bodywork sessions
are very relaxing and afterward, just walking around, they make you
feel great. It's good "stuff."
Specifically, when I first came for treatment, I had low back
pain. After 4-5 hours of bodywork, it was gone.
I also used to have
trouble stretching. After just the first session I noticed it felt good
to stretch instead of just fighting it. |
Cahill (Nee Boxer), Nike International, England,
800M: 1980 Semi-finalist, 1500M: Finalist: 1984-6th, 1988-4th
Commonwealth Games, 1500M:
1982 Gold Medalist, 1990 Silver
3 sessions: 1/2 hr on legs after a race, 4-1/2 hrs
(3 hrs on legs), 3-1/2 hrs (2 hrs on legs)
Athletic Performance & Pain Removal Improvement
The main benefit is that two days after the first
long session, I didn't have any problem with my left hamstring, which had
been troubling me for nearly three weeks. The treatment cured my
hamstring condition, and it improved my overall condition as well.
I had a short 1/2 hr session right after a race, on the
track, and felt a lot looser. And my muscles were feeling freer. The
usually tight hamstring felt good, but when I ran again I felt it still,
so I came for a long session.
After 3 hours on
my legs, they felt so much freer.
The hamstrings had been causing me real problems. For a few weeks,
whenever I raised my leg, they'd felt tightened up, restricted in their
movement and sore. The muscles felt knotted up in the middle. Now I
don't feel that. And the muscles feel free to move as they should.
I also feel more flex in my ankle. My knees
come up higher. And I have more mobility in my stretch, in the
whole hip area. After the work on my torso, head and arms, my whole
body feels good. My back and shoulders feel looser. In
fact, when standing and walking, my whole body feels loose and
more balanced. And I don't feel stiff and rigid anywhere.
I really didn't know I was stiff in
some areas. But now that I've had the bodywork I can feel it's a lot
freer, even though I didn't know it was tight before. You get
used to how your body feels, that after training hard it gets tight. And
you often forget what it should feel like.
The session was very enjoyable.
I feel it's a
very complete and balanced treatment the way Lou does it. You relax and the muscles can be
treated better. You also don't feel as if just one area's been isolated;
the whole body's been treated.
"Structural Integration" kind of connective tissue manipulation session is educational as well. Sometimes you feel
tight or loose and you don't really know why. In the session you become
more aware of why something feels tight or loose. And you learn
which muscle groups affect others. When you get tight somewhere, you
often feel that the actual point of tightness is the problem, and you
don't realize that it's being caused by tightness and a problem
elsewhere. Lou would work on one area and I'd feel it become looser
somewhere else.
I noticed improvements immediately.
Even just walking, I'd felt the hamstring tight for two weeks. Right
after the session, walking up an incline back to my car, I didn't feel
it. Recovery was better, too. I'd had a hard track session the
morning before the treatment and I'm usually stiff the next day after a
hard workout; I can still feel it for 24-48 hours. But this time, after
additional runs the next day, I wasn't stiff and felt really good. Also,
if you have a bad problem like this hamstring, doing a hard workout makes
it worse. But this time, including the bodywork, I felt much better.
On this first day after the
Structural Integration treatment, the hamstring tightness
was far better than it had been, with just a slight problem right above
the knee when I ran. Before, it was much stronger and had been a pull all
the way down the thigh. I rested the following day, and when I ran and
stretched on the third
This gave me confidence in the Grand Prix race the next day;
I didn't have to worry that I'd injure it or have it tighten up on me, as
I did when racing the week before. I took 3rd with a time of 4:07.6,
equaling my best start ever, three years earlier. It was a very
competitive race and the hamstring was fine. In the following weeks I
continued to race well and the legs were fine, even through the world
championships two months later, and into the winter after that.
I attribute my good start to the hard training I did this
spring, that got me in such good shape. But that same hard training also
causes problems, like the hamstring getting so tight.
This Structural Integration Bodywork, the way Lou
does it, let me train so well and still not
have the tightness, in the hamstring and in the rest of my body.
I could feel the second long
Structural Integration Bodywork session went into much
deeper muscles. The immediate improvements were similar to before:
generally feeling freer, and my body has more mobility. The
tightness in my calves improved and my feet flexed further. In both
sessions, as Lou did my torso, I felt my back lie flatter on the
table and my rib cage and chest could expand much further when I took a
deep breath. I noticed the deep relaxation would be good for
people under stress. And when comparing before and after Polaroid
photos, I could see that from each session, I was standing straighter,
with less arch in my lower back. |
3-TIME OLYMPIAN, Olympic Trials Finalist at age 36
(Three 3-hr sessions in 1992)
Athletic Performance Mechanics
& Pain Removal Improvement
As a
world class athlete pushing the boundaries of man's capabilities, it is
necessary to have expert help. Lou's Structural Integration Bodywork has been extremely
beneficial in achieving the goals that I have set for myself at age 36.
I am beyond
the age that most athletes in my event consider proper. I attribute
my longevity to the care I give to my health. Lou's work is an integral
part of that care and I am glad we were able to accomplish so much in
the short amount of time we were allotted.
Specifically, 9 hours of treatment corrected pain,
misalignment, and chronic tightness, and my overall flexibility has
improved quite a bit.
I'd had chronic Achilles tendon tightness and
operations for tears on both ankles. The bodywork broke down the
tightness in my calves and they now move fluidly. Scar tissue had
built up in the subdermal tissue and that got broken up.
My thighs are now looser and lighter, and they move
easier and faster. And I've noticed I'm picking up speed in my training.
The treatment was key to breaking up and loosening the scar tissue under
my buttocks at the top of the hamstrings. I was doing cleans weight
lifting 1-1/2 to 2 years ago and pulled too hard, so I tore my upper
hamstring, and it was never the same. Every time I did cleans, it would
hurt. Now, it feels a lot better.
My torso feels looser and more flexible. I'd had a point
of pain in my low back on the right side and general tightness on the left
side. Both were removed. I'd also had a misalignment; when
I lifted my right leg it didn't come up straight but twisted outward after
it was half way up. That, too, was corrected.
Lou, if you ever need help with something that is within my
expertise, please don't hesitate to ask. You
are a miracle worker! Best of Luck! |
Gordon Laine, Long Jump,
1988 U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM alternate,
World's 5th Longest Jump in 1991,
1978 All-American Triple Jumper
(Many 2-3 hr sessions in 1991, 1992)
Athletic Performance Mechanics
& Pain Removal Improvement
I first came for these Structural Integration Bodywork treatments I was very tight and my left pelvic area and
lower back used to go out regularly. I'd get pain in the left groin, knee
and ankle, and would need a chiropractic adjustment after a hard workout
to correct this. I knew I'd tightened up in the past three years and
knew that when I am more flexible with full range of motion I jump more
effectively. I also wanted to improve my technique, being smoother on
takeoff and more coordinated in the air.
So when I read Lou's material about removing accumulated tightness and
realigning the muscles and bones, I thought this
could be just what I was looking for, and it was.
From just the first 3-hr session I had more flexibility, my leg stretch
was longer and easier and my technique was better. I also jumped
farther than I thought I could, and my arm technique was working
better. My 275 lb bench press went up a lot
easier, the first time I'd done it really clean. Overall, I no
longer had the negative pulls that kept me from executing the way I'm
trying to.
My recovery time was also better. The warm-up had been
wearing me out; this time I wasn't as fatigued. And after my previous
jumping workouts, I had been feeling "beat up," and didn't want to do
anything for a couple of days. This time I didn't feel anywhere
near as bad and I felt like I could jump again the next day.
My lower back would
also be tight for 2-3 days and I'd need a chiropractor to put my back and
hip in. I also wasn't as tight as usual and I
didn't need a chiropractic adjustment.
After the second
Structural Integration session, I felt
even better. I no longer felt the block in the buttocks I always
felt, nor the pulling in the hamstrings.
Because I was so tight to begin with, I had four long sessions
in the first two weeks, which gave me an initial edge. As more and more of the deeper old tightnesses
were removed, especially in my legs, I increased my workouts
and began integrating the greater flexibility and range of motion into my
strength and jumping motion. My body became more
capable to do what I was training it to do, without the old tight
blocks in the structure.
After my first month of treatments, I was unable to get more
than an hour of bodywork over a 2 month period and felt really tight
again. But I was pleasantly surprised to see how much faster Lou could
loosen it all than it took the first time. I felt a lot improved again in
one 2-1/2 hr session.
Once we had some thorough initial loosening of the old
tightnesses, my training partner, Mike Powell, and I
haven't had to do as
much weight workout but we still maintain the strength and power.
even have more strength because we have power
throughout the range of motion. That's new to us. Everything
we're doing works our muscles, so we're getting strength because we have
more to work with. |
Lynda Tolbert, Nike International, 100
meter hurdles,
1988 & 1992 U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM (1992 Finalist: 4th)
MT.SAC Relays 100m/h winner 1988, 1989, 1990
(2 hrs on legs, 1/2 hr on torso, at 1991 MT.SAC)
Significant Athletic Performance &
Pain Removal Improvement
This is
such a great thing you're doing. We really do need more of this. I've
had chronic hamstring problems since high school. And I'm just coming off
a hamstring injury. This really helps.
It pushes all that old stuff out, and the stuff from everyday training.
After just 25 mins on the back of my right, injured leg, my
buttocks and some pelvis, I got up and walked and it felt so much better.
After 1 1/2 hrs on both legs they felt lighter and longer. Lifting my
knees to chest, they come up 3"-4" higher than before we started the
Then, after 1/2 hr on my torso, I can raise my arms
overhead without working to it. My lower back is looser. My breathing is
deeper; it feels like my whole chest cavity is relaxed. Getting off
the table and immediately bending over, I could keep my knees locked and
touch my palms flat to the floor, with room to spare. Getting right off
the table, with my legs cold in the outdoors like this, I wouldn't have
been able to do that before.
The next day before my event I felt
great, and afterwards, when I warmed down and stretched, I felt better
than I had felt after any race. It's been a long time since I felt that
way, too. |
Graham, 400 & 800 meters, Santa Monica Track Club
4-YR ALL AMERICAN 400 meter Hurdles,
6-Time Big-8 Conference Champion,
1986 USA Jr Nat'l Champion 400 meter Hurdles
(5-1/4 hrs in 2 sessions)
Athletic Performance & Pain Removal Improvement
The main reason I came for treatment was to correct groin pain that was
significantly limiting my ability to run, and it helped a lot.
But what impressed me most in the first session is that I
felt looser in places I didn't even think of or know were tight, like my
toes and feet. After Lou loosened them as well as my legs and
pelvis, I realized they'd been tight. They'd felt like one piece,
but now they're loose and feel as if they're expanding. I'm able to
make different joint by joint movements I never noticed before,
including being able to push off on my toes a lot freer.
When I work out, I get tight all over. Normally I have
to stretch and warm up before I run. After just the first hour of
Bodywork on my legs, they felt loose, the way I like to feel after
warm-up; I felt I could go right out and run without getting hurt.
And when Lou did just a little on my back, shoulders and neck, it all
felt loose, it felt great.
I can feel the differences between
this Structural Integration Connective Tissue Manipulation Bodywork and massage. Massage is like on the surface, this is deeper. Lou is
also more specific in what he's trying to accomplish, working
on my body piece by piece, concentrating on each area, giving it special
attention and then connecting all the areas together.
Right after the session I no longer felt what had been the
continuous groin pain. And the next day I had a workout and was surprised
at how fast I could go without my groin muscles hurting (maintaining
80%). Before the Bodywork, I had to slow up. This time I didn't feel
any discomfort at all on the straight-aways and just felt it slightly on
the turns.
From the second
session I could run faster and relax as I ran,
something I knew about and now my body can do it. When I started the
bodywork, I couldn't run like this at all. The groin pain was
gone in lane 2 or wider, and I only felt it in lane 1 on the turns. My
buttocks were looser and my legs could come up higher, my arms and sides
were more relaxed, freer and looser, and my shoulders were looser and had
dropped lower. I'm definitely getting a lot more oxygen as the
paths for breathing are a lot clearer and I'm breathing deeper. |
Loud, Long Jump, Keiser Track Club
3rd in U.S. at age 30,
1984 NCAA Champion
US Olympic Trials Finalist 1980-1992
(Two sessions, 2-1/2 hrs and 4-hrs)
Athletic Performance & Pain Removal Improvement
I've been an athlete for 15
years and had a lot of people work on me. This Structural Integration is the most unique kind of
bodywork I've ever had. It's different from massage
and very innovative as
well as very unique.
From the first 2-1/2 hrs I had a
deep relaxation and felt energized
at the same time. And I felt solid in my stance when I stood up.
I also got a
lot from the concentration breathing exercises we did during the bodywork. It
brought me down into my body and it also relaxed me faster.
After the second session I didn't feel as if I'd just had
hours of work on me (plus 2-1/2 hrs the day before). Judging from the other
kinds of bodywork I've had, I think I would have been dead or wiped out, and I
wasn't at all. We had combined more breath and energy concentration practice
with this bodywork and instead of feeling wiped out I felt really focused and
like I was ready to start workouts on schedule 1-1/2 days later. I also felt
more centered.
Even without testing the results of the treatment in my workout
I could feel immediate noticeable improvements. My arms lifted up from my lower
back rather than just straight up from my shoulders. There was more fluid
movement and I was more flexible in my shoulders.
My breathing was also
deeper, all the way down to the bottom of my abdomen, whereas before it was
shallow, only in the top part of my chest. I felt better, especially from
the head to the pelvis. I felt pretty solid standing, taller and very
erect. And my shoulders didn't feel like they'd slump forward. The support
feels like it's coming from the pelvis and middle of my body. Feeling this
lack of tension I thought my body wouldn't have been able to hold the stance
like this, but it felt solid.
Increasing Athletic Performance
with Structural Integration Bodywork
Significantly Increased Flexibility in a Very Short Time
** Especially
Effective, and Immediate, Hamstring Lengthening
** Noticeably Improved
Performance and Strength
** Much Faster Recovery
After Competition & Intense Workouts
** Fast Removal of Both
Upper and Lower Back Pain
** Immediate
Improvement of Injured Areas
Due to Tightness
** Thorough and Deep
Leg and Feet Loosening
and Lengthening
** Deep and Improved
Warm-up Loosening
More Testimonials:
More Elite Athletes
Recreational Athletes
Backs Other
Pains & Tightness Seniors
Stress Removal
Yoga Abilities
Meditation Benefits
Summary of
Report Testimonial of 24 hrs
treatment in a week
during an Intensive Visit. I can also do this if you
come to me
or you have a series of outcall sessions close
together. |
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Related Info:
Training-Experience of Master
Postural Integrator Lou Gross
Increasing Physical Abilities Book
Athlete's Performance Book Info
Sports Medicine Articles & Booklets
*** Structural Stretching Video
You can learn to
do this treatment ***
How to Get Sessions
Phone Consultations

Copyright 2002
Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved |