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Structural Integration Programs by Lou Gross - Meditation Performance
See for benefits of breath meditation for health, concentration, relaxation.

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Improve the ease of getting into better meditating positions, and maintaining them more pain free during retreats & intensives.  Increase Energy Flow, Concentration attentiveness & centeredness.  This really works & improves yoga stretching, & results of chiropractic, too. 
The Structural Connective Tissue Stretching Videos

  •      Sit in the more effective Half Lotus position easier
  •      Breathe Deeper & Easier
  •      Have Better Energy Flow
  •      Sit in Any Position With Less or No Pain

by Lou Gross, School Certified Master Postural Integrator
Longtime meditator
24 years successful experience
For more information & free consultations, call 321-726-9083

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        It's made my breath concentration meditation sitting a lot easier;  I can sit longer without discomfort.  My whole body's a lot looser; especially the legs; which are a lot less tense.  I couldn't sit cross legged with my foot on my calf or thigh before, and now I can, through a whole week long intensive, with minimal pain. I can breathe deeper and slower with longer breaths, and without gasping for air.

        I'm much more relaxed inside my head, too.  My mind is more settled and relaxed, and less noisyMy energy is much more balanced.  I was conscious of it being blocked in places, mostly on my right side, such as by my eye, in the cheek, and in the ribs.  Now the blocks are all gone.  The Bodywork freed up the channels, and my energy settles all the way down.

Mr MKG., Computer Scientist, age 49

        My breath meditation posture is straighter and more relaxed.  I can sit cross-legged better and easier, with little or no pain.  And I breathe better, slower and deeper.
        I thought, because of an old knee injury, I'd never be able to sit with my left leg up in half lotus.  It was very tight and stiff, and my pelvis and torso would always tilt to the left even if I just put the foot on my other calf.  I also had regular pain in my right knee with my right leg up, so much so that I avoided the position.
        I can now sit cross legged with either leg up, and my body doesn't tilt to the left when my left foot is all the way up on my right thigh. It's not a struggle anymore either.  It used to take me five minutes to get in position.  Now the legs just fold right up.

Ms JSS., Reg. Nurse, age 47

        It's certainly improved my breath meditation.  I now have much more flexibility in my legs and torso, so I can sit half-lotus, and for longer periods with less pain.
        My chest isn't pulled down either.  When I sat in the past, I couldn't breathe deeply, but now the looseness in my whole chest and abdomen lets me breathe deep and longAnd I have a much wider range of motion in my whole body.  It's all much looser.

        The "structural bodywork" stretches also help.  I can increase my stretch more and more, while in the past I used to try to stretch and not get much out of it.  Now I can go much further, and it's much easier.  I feel it pulling and giving way.  Also, because I'm more in touch with my body, I don't overdo it and hurt myself.  I can sense what parts need to stretch and I even under­stand how to stretch the whole body to best lengthen each particular area.

Mr KDS., Graduate Student, age 23

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Summary     Backs     Other Pains & Tightness     Stress Removal
Athletes     Seniors    Yoga Abilities

Structural Integration Programs by Lou Gross
- Meditation Performance

See for benefits of breath meditation for health, concentration, relaxation.

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Structural Stretching Video & Energized Relaxation Audio Tape

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