Just call Lou at 1 321 726 9083
Sessions too expensive for your budget?
Do you know you can get low cost DVD's to do it yourself?
Stretching & Hands-on both
Please Leave your
phone number, &
best times to call you. |
I will return your call,
and then you can call me right back,
and I will talk with you for a while & set up a date. |
To answer questions about sessions, or about your
condition, also call.
Initial calls are free
(At home I have flat rate long distance
but when I'm away, you pay for long distance)
Please include your email address & time zone to call you back.
E-mail works, too,
When you e-mail, please tell me what articles you've read on
this site, how familiar you are with Structural Integration from
your past experience, where you're located, and the nature of your difficulties
and desires.
If your first communication doesn't get into this yet, I'll
eventually need it to help you either by phone or e-mail response.
I now have an e-mail-able summary sheet of
lots of info you can include -even interspersing my items with your
If you're new to all this, please at least scan the Sports Medicine
Article and some testimonials. Then contact me.
If I recommend you call me, please do, because I can give lots more information, and help you better, a lot
faster than on the computer.
trainings & public talks, go to Trainings, Tutorials, Classes
If you ever consider having me for an intensive
multi-session, multi-day visit, be assured that I will
communicate with you, in-depth & often, so you become
as comfortable with me as you are with the idea of the
Convenience Mini-Trip
One Day (4-5 hrs) - or -
2-Day Overnight Fly or Drive in (8-10 hrs)
4 hrs hands-on Bodywork, 1 hr
Stretching type of Bodywork per day,
& up to 4-hrs Netherton-Reichian Release Processing per day,
Plus Free Raw Food & Herb info and Q & A
Release Processing,
Structural Integration Stretching
& Life Coaching with my unique
"Successful Directions"
are available by Phone, too.
People get Excellent Results.
checks, money orders, paypal, western union,
Integration Plus
Trauma Release Therapy |
In Bodywork, and in Body-Mind Therapies
I offer
individual sessions,
a group of sessions,
& the whole Structural
Integration series,
(with or without emotional release processing
techniques included)
in my current local area,
and as intensives by
traveling to your area
and staying a few days to
a few weeks.
If you ever consider having me for an intensive
multi-session, multi-day visit, be assured that I will
communicate with you, in-depth & often, so you become
as comfortable with me as you are with the idea of the
I work on
athletic teams,
performing artists' groups.
& company executives & employees.
I can come weekly, schedule visits in people's homes
or work more often on-site or in the training room.
I can even work on a series of people
in offices & manufacturing plants
because my special
enables me to work through clothing,
and treat a lot of the back, shoulders, neck, arms and head in a chair. |
I offer individual & group
Structural Stretching
on each visit. |
I also
offer self-help training
for individuals, couples and groups
I teach couples how to work on each other
and include special body-energy relaxation & "connecting"
they can easily use on their own, to strengthen and enjoy their
relationship together
Couples' Sessions give you both
lots of Bodywork, Stretching & Relaxing, too. They can
occur for just an evening or for 5-6 hours, making it a treatment,
workshop and fun day together. |
I can
offer a combination of trainings and groups of
sessions for professional
Tutorials, Classes, Public Talks |
Bodywork program follows the standard
Structural Integration sequence, but I also tailor it to a person's specific
(Ask me about yourself if you want. )
in my "whole person" program are guided relaxations,
acupressure energy balancing, connective tissue stretching techniques,
"integrated movement"
education for getting around easier while creating less muscle tension,
a lot of "structural nutrition" tips
and, if desired, easy-to-do
physical and emotional "trauma release methods," to get rid of the emotional
component of past accidents and other serious events.
For clients, I also give free between-session phone support,
including stretch coaching tune-ups and
answer any questions that may come up.
And, as I explained, I will train
massage and other kinds of therapists, and even "regular folks" to
work on you
in how to do either the whole system, or just how to tune
up backs, necks, arms, legs and so forth.
This way, some people can have their own local
practitioner or family member work on them regularly. This is an
especially good idea for athletes, folks who've had strokes, injuries or
debilitating disease, and for people who have stressful jobs.
Copyright 2002
Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved