Call Lou at
321 726 9083
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by Lou Gross, School
Certified Master Postural Integrator
27 years successful track record
Free - or Get a "Service" with
checks, money orders, paypal, Western Union
Free Ones
I offer FREE phone
consultations that add to the information on this
site, explain my own methods and how I
can travel to you or treat you on the phone.
You can
get a stretching sample, bodymind release therapy sample, & guidance to
what to read on site.
I include FREE
consultations in Bodywork, Bodymind Therapies and Natural Health -
Nutrition for people when they buy my books.
I give
existing clients FREE consultations
about their family members and friends.
Inexpensive Bodywork Support
I offer inexpensive
ongoing structural and body-mind analysis, and natural food and health tips.
These are consultations for people interested in
working with other practitioners, and also wishing for ongoing
support from someone who understands your condition and can answer your
wholistic health, emotional and structural questions.
These include
coaching in my Structural Integration Bodywork stretches and some
Body-Mind Stress Release processing.
If you're interested in doing something like this,
you can call for FREE to see if you want to set something up. No
Massage Therapist Client Consultations
Also Inexpensive
found that a number of massage therapists like to
get my technical advice on how to work with their clients, what muscle
groups to work on to clear up "stubborn" conditions, and how to work with
clients better, for their emotional and psychological frames of mind.
really good at this, because I'm very knowledgeable, I'm usually very
intuitive so I can feel what's going on, and I like to help and share what
I know in a supportive, understanding and caring way.
My support is multi-level. It comes out of over 20 years experience
working with thousands of people, and it includes addressing the
spiritual, structural and nutritional needs of you, the practitioner as
well as your clients.
I also include an analysis of how past physical and emotionally
traumatic events are causing complicated conditions now.
And I can usually determine a sequential and systematic overall
plan for improvements.
These consultations are Free for body therapists who
are also my own clients.
And, I can do this in person as well as by phone.
You can call for FREE information about setting up a support program for
you. No obligation.
One Time or Regular
Natural Health Information
You can purchase an hour or two of natural health
and living food consultation and use it up sections at a time.
I do this because people usually want initial advice, and then almost
always have questions and need encouragement as they get involved with a
Regular FREE
Phone Support:
I give regular, FREE phone support between sessions to
all my Bodywork and Body-Mind Therapy clients and students.
Since all
this work takes us into health improvement experiences we may not have had
before, it's helpful to have a friend who can answer questions, offer
stretching and nutritional information and give support. I provide
this as an integral part of the series of treatments people have with me.
I get paid at the time of the treatment, but this service is included.
includes answering particular questions about the stretching techniques
(that usually come up) and even doing some free short release processing
to clear up "residues" that just started to come out after the previous
It also
includes friendly chat, meditation encouragement and explaining what I
know in response to natural health questions.
When time and workload permit, I also provide
ongoing clients with FREE stretching, self energizing and meditation
sessions, either just with me when I do my own or with a few of us
together. The group energy, even as "2" helps us all.

Copyright 2002
Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved |