MD's, Chiropractors, Dentists, Nurses, Nurses Aids, Massage Therapists, Hospice Workers, Home Care Givers, Acupuncturists
Removes Stress and even chronic,
worsening pains
Removes accumulated negative energies.
Loosens Tightness Enormously
Makes Noticeable Physical Performance Improvements
Provides New Knowledge about the body you can use to
help yourself and your patients
Gives You Nourishment, to refill your psychological and spiritual
reserves as well as your physical ones. Includes Chinese & Western
Tonic herb suggestions, High-Nutrient Food recommendations and caring touch
combined with rebuilding energy practices while the Bodywork is done.
Optional Trauma Release & Negative Blockage Release
Bodymind processing technique (non-traumatic method)
A Lou Gross Whole-Person
Structural Bodywork Enhancement Program
by Lou Gross, School Certified Master Postural Integrator,
20 years successful experience
For more information & free consultations, call 321-726-9083
Specific Help for Different
Types of Professions
Massage Therapists
really need their arms done. Even after a thorough whole Body Structural
Integration or with a lot of yoga and massage, the arms still bunch up a lot.
And this will tighten the whole body through its interconnections. Tight
arms also reduce the energy in the acupuncture meridian flows that go through
those muscles. These reduce the wellness of the large and small
intestines, the metabolism, the heart and lungs and the circulation.
Relengthening the arms, shoulders, back and neck, and even the whole upper body,
helps massage therapist greatly. It becomes easier to do their work
The arms feel lighter, longer and more flexible, and a lot of pains go away.
And every time the arms are re-lengthened, if the rest of the person has
not bunched-up much, then the whole body feels better.
Chiropractors: Who would believe chiropractors get back problems. But they
know they do, and
leg tension, torso tension and especially arm, shoulder and neck tension.
That's simply because they bunch up their fascial soft connective tissue just
like everyone else.
They push with their arms and upper bodies a lot.
That tightens them the same as if they were pushing weights in the gym. They're
also bending down over those low tables.
I have helped a number of
chiropractors. Arms and shoulders can be loosened, backs can be made
longer, straighter and less tight, and legs can be loosened so they also
provide more power and a better stance.
Dentists bend over a
lot, too, and make twists in their bodies as they have to hold them rigid.
And for long hours, too. This makes the front of the torso, the sides
of the torso, and especially the neck shorter, all now held in those
positions by bunched-up fascia. Relengthening a dentist's whole body,
especially the arms, hands and face, can "clear out" the stress from weeks
of work, along with a nice straightening and loosening.
Nurses can get
tight, too, especially if they have to lift and move patients. Nurses'
Aids get this a lot. They may wear a back brace, but they'll also be
bunching themselves up in a backward bend, with tight necks and shoulders,
and especially, tight arms. Again, it's all bunched up in the fascia.
Surgeons get tight
arms, very tight arms. And their heads and faces get tight, too.
A tune-up from the face to the arms and down the whole back can help give a
feeling of refreshed looseness and a release of emotional tension.
Home care givers,
especially family members, get a lot of stress. This treatment
removes layers of stress so that the psychological and emotional state of
being feels cleared out and renewed, the mind can think clearer and the body
feels lighter and looser. A lot of negativity and even hopelessness
can be removed, too.
The Four areas where I help Healers
* Removing Tightness & Stress, and often
structural Pain.
* Improving Physical capabilities, including athletic abilities.
* Re-supplying your body with "receiving " nourishment.
* Increasing your knowledge about the body from my field.
One of my
specialties is healing healers. That is, I remove months & years of tightness,
stress, and I simultaneously replenish the "emotional nourishment" of being
cared for that so many health practitioners and care givers can use.
I'm exceptionally good at
correcting body misalignment and releasing chronic contraction and tension,
which is the underlying cause of a lot of health practitioners' pain.
These treatments have made big differences for massage therapists,
chiropractors, dentists, nurses, who have to do a lot of lifting, surgeons
and other health practitioners. The mental and emotional benefits that
come from this kind of physical treatment, especially in the way I do it,
have also helped "replenish" psychotherapists.
Further, I explain new
information, from my field, on how the body works structurally and
psycho-somatically, so the practitioners gain insight into how to to their
work better.
My "living & raw foods"
nutritional recommendations have made a number of healers healthier, given
them more energy and helped them reverse their chronic neuro-muscular
My results usually come fairly
quickly and are long lasting. In the course of the treatment
process, I educate healers about principles of body usage, self help
stretching and spiritual awareness. All of this makes the person
happier and makes their work more effective. I even provide deep
insight into life direction, internal personal growth and successful things
to do, including astute marketing recommendations and interpersonal insights
about how to be more effective with co-workers.
Besides working with
individuals, I also work with groups. I can come to your clinic, or
assembled group, explain what I do and why it works so well, and teach
self-help Structural Stretching and high-level nutrition. If you have
me come from a distance, you just put me up and I do intensives of a number
of hours for each interested person.
For more information,
including how I can give a group in your office the Structural Stretching
and Energized Relaxation classes, and raw food and herbal information talks,
please call me at 1-321-726-9083. I can work at your office as
well as your home.
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