The Problem
All these wonderful people
the world with such
But their structures are bunched up
tight and short,
and many have accumulated additional
constricting emotional & traumatic energy. They are operating at
limited effectiveness !
.....that could be vastly improved in
just minutes & hours !
.....Some right over the phone with Unique Structural,
Fascial-Stretch Coaching.
I get into the article, how is this different from the stretching done in
Yoga? Note that yoga does other things besides stretching. But
also, this is a specialized hands-on, & the stretching approach is made to
simulate what the hands-on does & increase the hands-on effectiveness.
Both the hands-on & the "Bodywork" stretching method have made yoga
stretching better for students & teachers alike. They could get into
more positions & stretch easier & further in them.
Read on site:
Testimonials - Yoga Teachers & Students
Article - The Many
Benefits of Str Integration for Yoga
Article - Stretching Tips
Regarding the Bodywork Stretching System on my Videos
Info Page:
Stretching Videos Info Page
One yoga teacher said,
"This is how yoga "should"
taught." Two
others, including a Yoga Center Director,
have their testimonials on the Video Page. Part of what they said:
"Not just another Yoga Video. This is new."
"This adds a new dimension to stretching. I'd never done this
kind of stretching method before. It is really effective."
So just as with Massage,
Chiropractic, Acupressure & Acupuncture, Reflexology, Exercise & other
methods having their benefits greater, the benefits have been greater when
people did their Yoga, too. All from getting the Structural Fascia
System Significantly Improved, It definitely has for me.
(Also see the
how-to remove muscle tightness from
stress, just below this
structural write-up.)

Most people contact me
because of muscle
tightness & pain, so
here is the program all
together, step by
step, what you can do.
This article & web site
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved
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First, before the recipe, so
maybe YOU can relate,
here's what happens for many people,
creating tightness
Low Back Pain, Sciatica,
Hamstring Tightness
& Hip Pain
Usually Come From
Systemic Fascia Shortness
& Head-to-Toe Structural Misalignment that you feel as Muscle Tightness.
It's Not just local tightness. The fascia wrappings & filler of your
muscles bunches up.
Self Check
Look at yourself sideways in
the mirror & you'll probably see that your thighs are leaning forward and
your back is arching backward and maybe your head and neck are jutting
forward with a rounded upper back. Notice that the lower back is
getting pinched and the angle of your thigh bones into your pelvis at the
bottom of your pelvis, is pushed strainingly forward.
Not good. This is how
people pinch nerves and rub the protective lining out of their hip joints.
You're in what we in our business call a basic or standard imbalance.
Common, but "pathological." Better to get vertically aligned
How to Go About Stretching
If your legs are
tight, and your pelvis dips down in front, with an arch in the back, and
maybe you've hurt yourself trying to stretch the back, then you have to FIRST
lengthen the legs in front, then in back, then lengthen the front of the
torso, loosen the pelvis and legs some more, and THEN
you can try stretching the back. If it still pulls on the lower or
mid back, lengthen the legs and front of the torso even more.
back hurts,
and maybe you get
because the front of your body, from legs up to chest, in shorter in the
fascia in front than in back, and you are consciously or unconsciously
tightening the back of the torso, the back of the legs, and even the back
of the neck and head, trying to lift yourself up. Headaches are from
jamming the very tight muscles with the very tight back of the head.
So my approach is to re-lengthen the fascia in a
way that also re-aligns the body & makes it straighter, taller & looser, starting
right away in the first stretch & get cumulative results in each of the
next stretches.
I'm not unique. This is what Dr Ida P Rolf taught us, and what
Structural Integration Bodyworkers all around the world aim for. I'm
just telling you the mechanics in a way maybe no one ever told you before
and I'm suggesting there is also a way to make it better, at least to some
degree, with stretching.
Lou Coached me thru some of his
stretches for 25 minutes - right there in an herb shop relaxation area,
and my chronic hip pain was gone, my leg tightness was much better, and I
felt taller, more upright & more flexible all over. And I have been
stretching & getting body treatments that did not fix this.
Mother, Teacher, Part time Ballet
So the stretching is unique and very effective, often quickly.
That's because we are lengthening FASCIA.
Problems from the
Health Club
A lot of Fit people with back
pains or knee, neck or shoulder issues, have a lot of tightness they
aren't aware of, and that their own stretching is not taking care of
adequately. They need to learn how to lengthen their FASCIA when they
stretch, and do the lengthening all over,
so the "interconnected" muscles are re-lengthened as well as the
local ones where you feel the tightness.
You see - Athletics, Running & Work-Outs
Create Large Amounts of Fascial Shortness that you feel as Muscle
And it often Gets Worse over time, even while you are making your self
"stronger." That's because more of the same effort creates
more bunching up of the collagen fibers in the fascia parts of the
The Fascia Shortness that you
feel as Muscle Tightness is a negative "side effect" of your
successful athletic endeavor.
Tightness Can Be Loosened,
More & More, by re-lengthening the fascia.
Link to
Stretching Video Info Page
I have found the best way to do it is "systemically," by going around the
whole body, loosening the interconnected areas as well as the areas you
feel tight. This is how the Structural Integration Bodywork System
was designed & what my Stretching Approach does, too.
It even helps top athletes:
Lou's Structural Integration method of
Fascia Lengthening allowed me to Train Hard & Not be Tight. And he
totally fixed a tight hamstring that had been hindering my running for 3
weeks, that a massage therapist had found but could not re-lengthen.
After just one long afternoon treatment, I also equaled my best time for
that point in the season in an elite race just 2 days later, with no
hamstring pull at all.
Christina Cahill, 6 Time
British Women's Middle Distance Running Champion, 3-Time Olympian
Remember: Trauma & Stress also Add to Tightness.
Even chronic so called psychological issues have a
big tightness
component - very deep into our structures, and from head to toe.
See the stress tightness article just below this one.
Links Below, in the Recipe text, will
take you to more detailed write-ups.
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* On your own with my Videos & My Stretch
* Or with me or a
practitioner in your own
area, combined with this Stretching, and
with the better way you can then do all
your other stretching. Even Chiropractic &
Massage then give better results.
Step 1:
Most people have healthy enough fascia that they can start my
re-lengthening stretching right away. (Step 2) But we can all easily
add to our diets some foods that make our stretching even easier & more
You can further soften your muscles'
bunched up & hard "fascia," their
connective tissue "envelopes,"
by key diet support, (free
article on site - called Foods for Structure).
also feeds the muscles & nerves to help those parts relax
"physiologically," so the neuro-muscular parts let go of their own tightness.
And that often reduces or eliminates people's pains, too.
(Undernourished muscles & nerves don't relax mentally.) This makes
your tissues more easily "stretchable" as well, because we want to
re-lengthen your fascia. That's the key.
Even without adding to your
diet right away, you can take supplements, and go directly to lengthening
the fascia part of your muscles in Step 2. Even tight people can lengthen their
fascia with my stretching, starting immediately. You can try a few key stretching
exercises coached by me over the phone.
This neuro-muscular part is How to #1.
Step 2:
With my "Structural Integration Bodywork" stretching technique we lengthen the
"fascia," (more than just yoga) - the fascia is
the putty & "holding together part" of your whole body's "inter-connected
system" of muscles. As I just said above. Re-lengthening your
fascia as well as relaxing your muscles, is the key.
And if you have lower back pain, you most likely have tight - meaning
shortened fascia - in the legs, front, back and sides.
You can get the Bodywork
(Intro Article) from me or someone else
and/or use the very unique
Structural Fascia Stretching
Videos. They have great positions and they show you just how to lengthen the
fascia itself, in large amounts, "between the joints" as well as loosening
the joints. (Many people have loose joints but the tightness is in the
short fascia of the muscle bellies.) People use the videos for both quick stress removal, stress immunity &
tightness-pain removal.
This kind of stretching and hands-on Bodywork also lengthens the "interconnected" areas and the "re-alignment
areas" of other, related parts of the body, where everyone needs it.
This way, with steps 1 and 2, you take care of both parts of your muscles that
get short:
the nerves &
muscle fibers and the fascia. Remember that fascia putty does not
relax mentally nor re-lengthen much, if at all, with
massage or
or even most
physical therapy, (these links take you to pages about these
treatments along with the Bodywork) & they don't re-lengthen much with strengthening exercise either.
You need a
systematic, whole body, taffy pull of the fascia (see this linked
Sports Medicine article) giving similar results as I did
hands-on (Bodywork write-up below) for my
Olympic Athlete,
back pain &
other pains
clients (See these testimonials.)
This fascia re-lengthening part is How to #2.
Step 3:
Many people have
a lot of emotional tension, too,
(link goes to Trauma & Grief release article), such as held in anger or sadness
they couldn't get out, abusive experiences that left fear as well as the
abuser's blows, even stress & during times
of war, or tension from financial loss and extended work efforts. It's important to
understand that emotional tensions
pull in the muscles, continuously, even when the Stretching & Bodywork are
done, too. It's a contracting emotional energy that's stuck in the muscles
and/or their fascia.
For people with these kinds of energies, something more than just the body
manipulations & stretching can be done to release these other kinds of
tensions that have been there for a while.
My Combined System uses
State of the Art, Body-Mind Methods to
remove these tightnesses as well, and much faster and less traumatically
than most psychotherapeutic approaches. They can often be done
effectively over the phone, too. And
they help Personal Development Significantly. They
put more of your Body-Mind
"on-line" for You to use, (a very informative article linked
here), instead of a lot of your body & energy field being tightened up
and polluted with old negative energies.
The energy release part is
How-to #3.
These are all the How-To's.
Step 4:
You might also want to read my informative, easy-to-understand, low cost
books (see a list of links on home page Most
Popular Requests and also Right Column Detailed Menu) for the
theory and detailed
Back Fix,
Athletes &
Stress Fix,
Making Your Body Work Better.
(These links go to the Books' Info pages on site.)
I can recommend which of these,
specifically, is for your own best orientation. If you do have back pain, including lower back pain & nerve or disk
problems, or sciatica, you can definitely de-mystify it & learn
about how to make it better
with the
Back Fix Info
Also, there are
informative, unique books
Stress Removal
Abuse Removal. Anatomy info including Gray's Anatomy
Book on line is linked on my Links
You can view muscles, spine, bones & joints, even where pinched nerves
from which vertebrae affect the legs, arms, etc.
These are the Why's, the
Details, and the
Where to do the How-To's. They De-Mystify What Happens to
this form of Bodywork treatment works so well!
There's a
big article on site Called Creating Higher Level Body and Mind,
that tells you about muscle tightness & fascia shortness. And how we
can make muscles freer.
Step 5:
Some people see me for hands-on, or have me come
by you, if
Call or e-mail
& I'll tell you how to get everything. I can even give you free tips
on rebuilding disks & removing the muscle
tightness that caused the nerve pinching, sciatica & disk degeneration
in the first place. And I can describe your Body-Mind Psychological
Condition & How You Can Improve It Significantly.
I can travel to you, and fit the
treatments into your daily schedule while you stay in your own home & own
area & go to work, etc, or
you can come visit to me. There are also, links to finding a
Bodyworker near you are on my Links
Page. I have found that if people read some of the books and do the
Bodywork Stretching, then the hands-on and emotional tension releasing can do more.
In my own
practice, I combine stretching & hands-on for my clients.
So you could do that on your own before and after your Bodywork Sessions
with your local practitioner. And I combine the Body-Mind Therapies at the same time, too, for people who
also want that.
Body-Mind tightness & emotional trauma release can be done over the phone,
too. We use the Structural Stretching along with the
Netherton-Reichian methods, and you can get the Bodywork by you as well.
Free Consultations.
My Services for You on Getting
Sessions, even from others - a special short article
Are You a Practitioner, Caregiver
or Family Member &
Want to Help Others by
Lengthening Muscle Tightness
Improving Back Pain?
I can teach you how to treat others, and do
things to increase your own abilities and
decrease your stress.
I even have tutorial
videos you can follow to do hands-on, & I can coach you over the phone.
Stretching Videos Page
I can teach you some
Trauma & Emotional Release Processing Methods, for yourself & to
help others, too.
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Removal of Tightness
from Stress & Creating a More Stress Resistant Body
See also, on site article:
Psychological &
Stress Removal Benefits
of the Bodywork Itself
See Stress Removal
See Trauma Release
See Personal Growth
and back pain are related.
Having back pain, in itself, can make us feel stressed.
But we're also more
susceptible to the effects of stress when we're already tightened up
from the misaligned shape of the body.
This shape, with a big arch in the lower back, often causes back
pain, especially lower back pain and/or sciatica.
We're not very "stress immune" because of this.
The entire back of the body, including the head, neck and legs, is
being held tight. So the body
is already in a stressed and tense condition. And added
tightness due to the next stress just tightens it up more.
Just a
little bit more tightness from the emotional reaction can bring on
the back pain or make it worse. Also, emotional tension in the
gut tightens the muscles connected to the vertebrae in the lower
back. Some people may get immediate lower back pain or
sciatica whenever this happens.
structural misalignment also creates a stressful behavior, one in
which we "have to keep going." We're pulled down in front and
we're constantly arching the lower back to pull ourselves up.
The body posture says, "I have to keep straining, even just in
everyday life."
After this shape has been corrected and the body was more balanced
and centered, a number of people have been able to "let down" from
intense work and do more things for themselves.
Here is an explanation of how this method can
make you more stress immune as well as removing weeks, months & years of
accumulated tension in minutes & hours.
If you have had
stress release from massage,
you will find how much more
body tension release occurs with big fascia relengthening.
after the
improvements in your tissue consistency from "this" kind of body
treatment, the massages will be more effective
at removing even more tension, including going deeper, yet it'll feel
better and be easier to get more release.
When you get tense, your muscles
shorten and pull in the collagen fibers of the fascia, making the muscle
shorter even after you leave the stress. It bunches them up into a
shorter space, just like when you exercise with weights or run.
Then the tension from the next stress pulls the collagen fibers
even closer together, and that makes the
muscles shorter still. We accumulate shortness in the fascia which is a
fluid with these tiny collagen fibers in it, and when the fibers are pushed closer together by
the muscle fibers next to it, the whole muscle shortens more and more, and
stays that way even while you are sleeping or exercising.
This shortness includes muscles in the abdomen, pelvis and lower back, and
even those in the legs, chest, and head as well as the neck, upper back
and shoulders. The abdominal-pelvic shortness from tension also can
pull the front of the body tight and that pulls on the back, plus, the
back then tightens back against this pull to try to bring us upright
This is what I call interconnected & misalignment shortness; one
part of the body being tight makes other parts also tight. Then each part
of the body holds all the other parts tight, and the fascia gets "solid"
in that mutually tightened up shape.
So we're in an increasingly tighter state that is then fixed in the gelatinous
putty shape of the fascia and that keeps the tenseness of being stressed
with us all the time, and we respond to the world from a tense and tight
Head tightness is also fascia that's bunched
up, and that creates an inability to receive and process energies
coming to us,
so we get overwhelmed more easily from that, too.
Head tightness makes neck, back & chest fascia short and
creates muscle
tightness you feel in these other parts.
Structural Integration &
Structural Stretching removes the bunch up of the fascia in the body, and
helps to align the different parts and remove the interconnected shortness
that is keeping the parts you feel, tight. And my instruction on head
self-help Bodywork can loosen that by your own hands-on some, and the video even shows you how to do
self-help fascia spreading on the head.
This adds
to the effectiveness of the stretching in the rest of the body, as well as making people looser and
more relaxed all by itself.
Both techniques also loosen up the back
and in my case and with others I know, allows vertebrae to pop back in on
their own, and more vertebrae go in a lot easier with chiropractic adjustments.
They stay in longer when your
whole body's fascia is lengthened, too.
When your body structure is re-lengthened and looser, in this method, the
muscle groups will also be better organized and integrated with each
That will allow the body to remain more in a relaxed state
even when stress occurs around us, and it will also transmit the stress
tightness throughout the whole system where it will more easily be
dissipated out of the body, and not stay stuck in it. So we create a kind
of Body Structure &-Energy Stress Immunity which, in turn, has a direct
stress-immunity affect on the mind and our thoughts as well as our organs.
Stressful reactions in the mind will also create stored emotional charge
in the collagen protein fibers of the fascia in the body's muscles.
The Stretching and both Self-Help and Professionally applied hands-on
squeeze the emotional charge out of the fascia at the same time they
loosen and lengthen the shape of the whole muscle and bone structure as
they spread the collagen fibers farther apart and restore the open-ness
and length of our bodies.
Even abdominal and chest emotional tension in the organs is relieved and
circulation in both blood and lymphatics gets better.
Further, my Netherton-Reichian method of removing emotional charge from
the body and its energy fields
- emotional trauma release - while you are conscious and aware, can
remove both recent and old embedded charge - even from childhood and birth
- in a very thorough and non-traumatic way. It even removes negative
belief statements from the body tissues that have been causing us to keep
reacting in the stressful ways.
Trauma Release Article
Outline of the Method & its
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This article is Copyright 2005, 2006
& web site is
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved