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About Master Postural Integrator Lou Gross
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Postural Integration - Plus
Personal Growth & Bodymind therapy.
Includes Emotional Release Processing
available by phone.    
Part 2       I teach this !!!

My own System of adding...
Netherton Therapy Methods, Living Food Nutrition,
Tonic Herbs, Movement techniques,
Breath Concentration Meditation
and other Energy methods
to the wholistic system of Structural Integration Bodywork & Reichian Therapy Methods developed by Jack Painter PhD   
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A further extension of Dr. Ida P. Rolf's Human Potential development tool.

Testimonials - Trauma-Grief Release        Testimonials - Personal Growth

Go to Part 1 - Structural Integration & Postural Integration Principles

by Lou Gross
School Certified Master Postural Integrator - since 1983
Expert in Body-Mind Release Therapies; Netherton, Reichian, Bioenergetic, Structural & Energetic.  Since 1982.        
17 years successful experience with this particular system
For more information & free consultations, call 321-726-9083

Part 3 - What is "Postural Integration - plus?"
Increasing Emotional Release Abilities,
Adding Bodymind Strength & Stability,
Deepening Relaxation and
Increasing the Power of Awareness

           What I've done is add a few things that I think make Postural Integration work better.
           As I said, I was trained as a Master Postural Integrator by Jack Painter, PhD in 1983.  And P.I. forms the basis of my bodymind approach.  I'm not changing the goals
. nor the systematic integration of the parts of the program.  I've just added some very effective practices that increase the thoroughness of what we're doing.

           Key amongst these is the Netherton Method of Past Experience Alignment which I'll now discuss in detail.  The Netherton Method adds a lot of light on why we have our psychological issues and it helps the Reichian therapy do a much more thorough job.

Morris Netherton PhD is a clinical psychotherapist in the Los Angeles area.  I took a lot of his training in the mid-1980's, and have done dozens of hours of therapy for myself, with five of his practitioners.
           Before he founded his Association for the Alignment of Past Life Experience (A.A.P.L.E.) Morris (as we called him) worked in Juvenile Hall, in the L.A. area justice system.
           While there, he developed a Gestalt method to bring our awareness into the body, into the pictures in our minds' eye and into the feelings and words we are expressing.  Once our attention gets "into" these energies, our brains can get in touch with the actual past experiences, the specific circumstances, that put these energies inside our tissues, and in our energy field.

           Here is the technique.  Once you're in touch with the experience, the next step is to start expressing the energies of this specific experience we're now in touch with, the one on "top of our stack" of similar experiences. 
In the Netherton method, we're always episode specific.  Body recordings of energies are simply an absorption of some specific things that went on.
           We do this expression verbally, by saying first person, present tense sentences. We "speak the energy" that says in words, what each of the people in the event is saying, thinking, feeling or doing.
  You say it, not as a descriptive explanation, as if you are talking ABOUT the person.  You say it in a personally expressive way as if you ARE the person.  You say it as if you are playing a role in a docu-drama on the radio.  I'm listening, and I need to know what's going on with each of the characters, to the fullest depth possible. And there's no narrator.
          It is not necessary that the person actually spoke those words.  But if you continue to see a picture in your mind's eye of this person, it means you still have a certain amount of his or her energy inside of you.  The same is true for what you see of yourself in the past experience. The picture is just your brain's way of experiencing part of it, and your consciousness is currently aware of the energy that way.
            The practitioner guides you to get in touch with the episode and then process it out.  After you say the sentences of what you're currently in touch with, the next sentences will be different as you are getting in touch with other parts of the people, into more depth inside of them, and in the next moment of time, in the sequence of the event.
             The verbalization coming out of the actual energies removes the energy.  It dissolves it out of the body. 
People can see the pictures change, feel the tensions diminish, and even feel other sensations come up that occurred in another part of the old experience.
             These energies include what physically happened simultaneously with what we and/or other people were saying, thinking, feeling or implying with our actions.  The physical and emotional experience occurred simultaneously with the sentences defining the mental information or psychological pattern.  We can dissolve them away by expressing all of the "movie frame" at once.
  So I often use Reichian tensing and expressing techniques to help get all the energy out of the tissues and energy field.

              An important point about doing the process is that the Netherton techniques require the person's conscious mind stay aware.  This is not hypnosis.
              Another key point is that we don't get lost in the dramatics of the energy.
  While the material coming up may have strong energies and traumatic feelings, it can be dissolved out of the body in a rather non-traumatic way
           When I do the Reichian techniques I don't have the person act out their feelings hysterically.  There definitely is emotional expression, sometimes a lot of crying.  But the awareness mind is still predominant.  And we have the person keep saying the next sentences while they cry or while they still feel the heat of the anger.  Since the actual material is coming out of the past event, we want the person to stay consciously connected to that event so we can process out ITS energies.
           As with Reichian therapy and Bioenergetics, what we are doing is removing stuck material that is causing blockages in our energy flows, tight muscles and organs in our structure, and psychological hang-ups in our psyche.  We are using a technique to remove the bad "foreign" stuff so our own parts will be able to function healthily.
            The principle is that we are not actually trying to re-experience and emphasize all the trauma of an event in order to get it out of us.  Instead, we consciously experience the parts of the event that got stuck in our bodies as we do a focused process to remove those energies from the body. 
As with Reichian therapy and Rolf's Bodywork, the important thing is to remove the energies and tensions.

             Now, we use the technique in different time frames of our past experience. 
Just as with Reichian therapy and Structural Integration, we can remove the residues of recent traumatic events, like car accidents or shootings.  And we can also access and remove "pattern creating events" from childhood.
             One of the advantages of adding the Netherton techniques is our ability to easily access much earlier episodes of trauma and blockage.
             Since we're accessing "energy packets" in the body and using the brain's ability to translate non-verbal into verbal, we can just as easily access and process out what happened in the pre-natal, birth and infancy experiences, things we have no idea about, as we can events that we do remember that happened later on.
            It turns out that these much earlier events are some of the ones that actually form the foundation of our belief systems about our lives. 
And they also created distortions in our physical structure.
           The statements in these very early time frames were actually put in us from our Mother's (and other people's) words, before we had a conscious discriminating mind. 
We, ourselves, experienced physical and emotional distress, even by being squeezed in the womb.  But the sentences that make up the subconscious command structure and belief systems of our psyche, were put inside us by the energies of other people's words and feelings.
           The other people's sentences and feelings tell us how we should interpret certain kinds of events.  So the whole movie gives us a "template" of what kinds of things happen to us and how we should relate to them.
             The Netherton Therapy techniques erase both the other people's words and our traumatic energies simultaneously.  And in that way, the psycho-somatic recordings that run us are removed.

              As an example, in Reichian Therapy, we refer to Body Armor as something we "use" to protect us from feeling the  hurt deeper inside.  While this is partly true, in Netherton Therapy, we find that Mother, in pain at birth, is saying and/or feeling, "I don't want to feel this pain."  And those are strong energies inside us. 
I have seen people, after they'd had some of the Bodywork, open up to looking deeper inside immediately after these sentences-energies were released.  Both a layer of tension in the gut, and this belief system or command statement, dissolved out of the body in seconds.  And the person stayed conscious and focused throughout the process.

            We also find that Mother is saying, thinking or feeling the same sentences during events of the prenatal as well.
             In Netherton, we do a lot in the prenatal.  Interpersonal relationship patterns go further back than our relationship with Mother.  They are set up by Mother's relationship with father (and others like our grandparents) while we were inside her. 
We absorbed all the energies from all parties in the situation, even if their own conscious minds were not clear on what another part of them was feeling.
              As we say the words of both people's feelings as well as their speech, we are doing four things.  We remove a certain amount of emotional energy that got stuck in us during the prenatal development.  We remove the energy of physical compression and structural misalignment pushed on us by Mother's belly tension.  We remove a number of layers of command statements that have been influencing us mentally and psychologically.
              And, we get to see inside our parent's emotional and psychological experiences.
              We do the same "inside looking" as we process out infancy and early childhood experiences.  When enough physically traumatic, angry and fearful energies are removed, people are able to see their parents as people and their long term blocks about them in this way are gone. 
There's more love for them.  What we're really like underneath all this pollution is aware, compassionate and understanding people.
            Reich said this, too.  The Netherton Method helps us be very thorough about this pollution removal.

            Netherton techniques access other kinds of episodes that have their old energies stuck in our energy fields that go around and through the body. 
Judging from their details, they were put there further back than even conception.  Netherton calls them energies from Past Lives, because that's what they look like.  But he's quick to point out that some clients think of them as scenarios from the creative unconscious, something symbolic from the deeper levels of our psyche.  I have had some people look at them as genetic memories of our ancestors.
           It really doesn't matter what we believe nor what is really true.  The process still works 100% of the time.  And a number of Christians do it.  There's no one in the room except the therapist and the client, and the client is coming up with these detailed movies that precisely define both our physical and psychological patterns.
           I can tell you as a Master Postural Integrator with 17 years experience in the Netherton method, that this part of the system is very effective for removing negative patterns, traumatic overwhelm and tightness.  It doesn't matter if a person believes in past lives or not.
 We're using this technique to remove more tightness and energy from the body and its energy fields than we can get with Reichian and other methods alone.
           I use the Reichian methods routinely to help.  They bring more energy up to consciousness and help release it. And Reich's body psychology principles help me better understand the pattern and issues the person is "stuck" with.

           Here's how doing this part helps.   Remember that these could be real, or they could be symbolic.  But also note that they do have their own energy packets, and that's why we do the technique on them, to clear out those energies and blockages.
              First, we are removing more traumatic energies and another layer of the same negative command statements.  But very importantly, we are also removing unresolved psychological scenarios.
              In every one of the hundreds of people I have worked with, there are always a series of these episodes in which we were killed.
During the killing, there was the same kind of psychological issue or traumatic event that we have in our current lives. We see these scenarios and can process our stored energies through working with them.
Because we died with these command statements, and could not rectify the situation by living longer, we became stuck with the pattern.
            That's because the killing is the last thing we experienced with these "other people."  And the experience with them is still inside us because we absorbed the energies in a deep alpha state.  Those energies, and the pattern of what happened, are what cause us to seriously over-react when we now get triggered.  They have very large energies and very serious circumstances.  We were violently killed.
           When we're stuck to these kinds of energy packets, then that psychological pattern is how our current, similar circumstances will end, too. That's what the script says. We haven't died in the scenario, of course, but we often have relationships end with the same psychological issues and many people even have the same kind of other people keep coming into their lives.
              The survival issue seems to be key to all our patterns.  All the "significant" episodes people have had stuck in their bodies in this lifetime, including the prenatal and birth traumas, also had to do with worries or threats about being killed.  Someone is afraid we, and perhaps Mother, will die, or be killed.  These are the sentences that came out of hundreds of clients, repeatedly. During abuse, when the parent is enraged and the kid is tensed up tremendously, these kinds of words come out consistently.

              In Netherton therapy, as well as in Reich's work, we clear patterns as well as use it to release specific traumas.  And patterns are made up of a series of events in which we were forced into the circumstance.
              So "wherever they come from," we can start by processing out key events from various times in this lifetime, going all the way back to conception.  We simply go back through, and then earlier than, our childhood stages of development, to clear the scenarios that are telling us we are going to be killed and/or that we have to fight for our survival. 
We start by getting coached to see that our current experiences are connected inside us to the past stored energies.  Then we're coached in the expressive technique and to see "what happens next" at each moment of the episode.
               Mother's physical pressure combined with her own issues are some of the times.  She gives us those issues.  They are pressed directly into the flesh.  We have a repeating physical tension combined with a psychological or emotion way of relating.  This always seems to happen in the prenatal, at birth and then again in infancy.
One woman cleared up a continuous, chronic neck tension by taking a few hours to clear out energies and physical pressures she had picked up with her parents in infancy, birth and the latter part of the prenatal.  This physical tension had never gone away even with deep systemic Structural Integration.  And her emotional tension also went away from the Netherton processing.  She "permanently" became less triggered.  (I checked in with her three years later.)

In the earlier kinds of events, there are a lot of episodes where people, as adults in the movies,  brace themselves, run away, hide, struggle and lose, and vigorously battle and lose, too.  Obviously, these parallel people's psychological behaviors that keep them blocked.  So removing our internal tensions by using their easy-to-access scripts is very "handy."  Especially since we can process out even very traumatic violence with only a moderate or minor amount of discomfort.
             Blockages also come from tightening up against a knife or spear going into the heart or gut. These have to do with "being hurt" and with gut issues of anger and fear.  And when people "die," their life force energy drops down inside them, fading away.
             We can actually feel all these energies in the body and use those scenarios of the mind to dissolve them away.  One man actually felt his chest loosen up, and it stayed loosened up.  We had used a simple technique to remove the tension he'd been feeling in his chest.  The mind had given us the pictures we needed to use to remove it.

           We process out these "Who knows where they come from?" movies in the same way I described processing out energies from other events.  We "erase" movie frame by movie frame.  (And once people get the hang of it, it's pretty easy.)
             Seeing our pattern as a movie or stage play with a number of different actors playing the different things we, ourselves think and feel, is very clarifying.
             During each of these killings, the physical action of what is happening is intertwined with our own words and feelings, and with the words and feelings of the person who killed us and the words and feelings of bystanders in the event as well.
             These "bystanders" speak or feel the same kinds of statements we hear from others in our current patterns.
 Some are jeering and encourage others to harm us, or they team up with them.  Others are people held back fearfully from helping.  Some are people who feel guilty, just as a Mother might have felt guilty after she hit her baby. Other people express tremendous, deep love and sorrow over the loss, and even the frustration of not being able to stop it.
              This person is harming us and forcing us into the traumatic situation and psychological pattern.  And what we find is that the same kinds of circumstances in this life have the same "sentences" as well as similar actions. 
Only, as I said, it's usually less traumatic and we don't physically die.
What does happen very often, however, is that a baby is hit and traumatized and Mother walks out of the room disgusted.  Or, a child is hit and scolded and has to go to his or her room and stay there alone.
             In all the events, regardless of time frame, we have the elements of our own pattern.  And it's always the same pattern.  The quality of its physical-psychological energy is the same.  It just keeps transferring itself onto each new circumstance in time.
             The words and sentences of the series of events define the shape and quality of the pattern.  That's why we clear patterns, and use sentences to do it.
             Further, we have to go through clearing different levels of the pattern until we get to the foundational ones.  These events are those in which other people forced us into the experience and we lost, big time, no matter how hard we struggled. 
The elements are the confrontation, the isolation afterward, and some kind of tightness or distraction to cover it up.
           Our "journey" takes us through events in all the times frames, level after level.
             Seeing scenarios in such great detail also gives us insight into how the actual physical reaction is related to the psychological circumstance.  Reich was very interested in this relationship.
             As I said, when you're stabbed, beaten or shot to death, or you die in the ocean, a landslide or quicksand, the body will tighten up at the same time you are having particular thoughts or someone else is making or implying particular statements.  This contracting energy gets reactivated in our current bodies whenever the same kind of overpowering, controlling or frightening experience is encountered, often even if the current circumstance is mild.
             In a Netherton therapy session, we'll be coached to find and remove what is physically happening in the past circumstance that's creating the energy experience we're having now, during our psychological upset. 
We feel the energies, see the pictures in the mind's eye, and say the sentences of exactly who was saying or implying what words at the same moments we were having the physical experience.  That instantly dissolves that amount of energy, and those thoughts and ideas, out of us.
This worked for a young woman who had a "dropping down inside" energy whenever she was even mildly confronted.  In some teenage rapes, the boys were physically pressing on her chest and she couldn't breathe.  So her life force was actually sinking inside in those events.  By focusing on the sinking energy feeling she still had years later, she was able to remove the repressive sentences of the boys and the sinking energy at the same time.

              A big part of Netherton's teaching is to remove our own angry and resentful energies.  This is just good psychological and/or spiritual development.  But with the Netherton method, we can actually see and clear the circumstances, or movies, in which we harmed others as well as the ones in which we were harmed by them.
              The issue of being the victim is very much intertwined with being a victimizer. 
Morris emphasized that both sides need to be cleared to really clear up the pattern.
            In the pattern of abusive experiences, resentment, and then revenge, are buried under the muscle tightening of protection that occurred from being abused.  That kind of anger emanates out from the body and attracts the same kind of abusers to come into our life.  Abused people usually tend to identify with their victim role, and complain about being victimized.  But their abuser energies of "getting back" are also there.
             Plus, they carry around with them the abusive energies of the people who abused them, too.  That in itself attracts more people to do the same.  In the Netherton method, we can remove the exact energies and sentences of the victimizer's role, those of our victim role, and then those of our own revengeful role.

           This is a very good tool to use with Postural Integration.

             What's really terrific about the Netherton Therapy method is, as I mentioned in the green box at the beginning of this article, we can do it over the phone as easily as we can in person. 
I also combine Reichian techniques, energy work and my structural stretching Bodywork technique with it, on the phone, too.

             The first article link just below introduces the combination system of Structural Integration, Reichian Therapy methods and the Netherton Therapy techniques.
             The article links below that, and eventually, books for sale, explain more.
              Please look for more articles in the future.  You can look at the date on the What's New box to see when anything's been added to the site.

              Also feel free to contact me for more details.

Bodymind Trauma & Negative Pattern Removal Therapy
Psychological Improvements & Stress Benefits of the Bodywork itself

Changing what happens on the outside by improving what's inside

Multiple layers in the Body from Abuse article 
Erasing our Movies article

Specialized Kinesiology - It's Benefits, & the differences from this

Testimonials - Trauma Release        Testimonials - Personal Growth

            In my Postural Integration plus system I have also
broadened the Reichian "map" of Primary and Secondary Personality relationships to include spiritual development and "soul path" direction and goals.
          And I have created a four layer body-mind model for understanding and correcting psychological issues, especially for formerly abused people.
          The first article linked here explains both "maps" with regard to increasing personal growth and developing into our human potential.  It's a stand alone booklet of 13 printed pages
          The second article is much shorter and simply outlines the layers with regard to Abused people.  It's a chapter in my book describing these layers, how they operate when the person is still "un-integrated" and what happens at different stages when we process them out.  I'm explaining what psychologists already know, but I'm diagramming it as the actual physical construction that it is.  My contribution is that this will make it much faster and easier, and less traumatic, for people to get healthy again.

Performance Enhancement -  Bodymind Personal Growth System
The Split Layers of Personality that develop physically, during abuse

             I've found that various foods and herbs help both our structural openness and vertical uplift, and improve the psychological and emotional behavior. 
I combine what Traditional Chinese Medicine explains about the "mind" aspect of the organ systems with Living Food nutrition, Western & Chinese Herbology and Natural Health methods.
            Tonic herbs are nutritional substances that strengthen organs, glands and even structural tissues.  Besides improving my emotional demeanor, these herbs, and the raw foods, actually give me a physical uplift, especially when I strengthen the liver, pancreas and adrenal-kidney system.  The whole third chakra area loosens and goes more vertical.

Mr. Green's Vitality Program

         I was formally trained in energy healing, chakra work and aura cleansing both in the Healing Light Center Church of Roselyn Bruyere and in the internationally taught, very thorough system called Pranic Healing.

In my PI-Plus work, I do overall body energy channeling that soothes the tissues and gets energy flowing throughout the body and in the acupuncture meridians.  It nourishes the person.
         And rather than just pressing on acupressure points as we do in PI, I might send a lot of energy into them.
         Also, I pull out material from the chakras so people can access it easier with their conscious mind's to do the Netherton Therapy Processing.
         I might do aura cleansing and internal body organ cleansing as well.  I'll spin chakras, I'll put in colors, and I'll even guide the client through a breathing technique to energize, clean and interconnect peripheral chakras as well as the major torso ones.
         I can even channel energy through people's bodies from a distance, and while on the phone, can push old stuff from inside the tissue to outside so I can see what they are and help the person process them out with the verbalizing techniques.  I use Reichian Therapy breathing, tensing, and "acting out" techniques to bring more energy up so it can be processed out.
         By the end of a session, my hands are transmitting large amounts of energy. I was taught a special method that enables me to get that energy transmission inside the person's aura, chakras and tissues, and create strong physiological and psychological healing.

Structural Stretching Technique         Energized Relaxation Method

          In my studies with Roger and Alexandra pierce I learned some Rolfing Movement techniques.  I teach these and other movement education insights I've learned.  I combine them with the Structural Stretching exercises.

           I also have a personal spiritual practice with 30 years deep spiritual and intensive meditation practice.  I add these methods for some clients, and I'm always using my spiritual insight to guide the release and transformation process in the session.

Go To Part 1 - this P.I. Plus for
Download PDF Version of Whole Article

Part 1 - Basics of Rolf's Bodymind Improvements
The Human Potential benefits of
Structural Integration itself.
Specifically:  Integration, Alignment, and Release

Part 2 - What is Postural Integration?
A "System," of the Bodywork,
with Reichian Therapy techniques,
Chinese Medicine Theory & acupressure, and
Mind-into-Body Awareness

Bodymind Therapy articles on site:
These are duplicate links to
the ones in this text above,
in the Home page text,  and
in the Free Articles Menu

Look for more articles in the future.


Bodymind Trauma & Negative Pattern Removal Therapy
Performance Enhancement -  Bodymind Personal Growth System
Psychological & Stress Benefits of the Bodywork itself

Changing what happens on the outside by improving what's inside

The Split Layers of Personality that develop physically, during abuse
Specialized Kinesiology - Benefits & Differences from Bodymind therapy
Multiple layers in the Body from Abuse article 
Erasing our Movies article

Also:    Trauma-Grief Release Testimonials
                Testimonials - Personal Growth

Stress, Trauma & Emotional Release Processing
are available by phone.  Free Consultation.  1-321-726-9083

Getting Sessions        Doing Release Processing over the Phone

About Master Postural Integrator Lou Gross

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