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![]() EASY NAVIGATION INFO by Lou Gross, School Certified Master Postural Integrator 24 years successful experience For more information & free consultations, call 321-726-9083 lou@backfixbodywork.com Many people find it easy to get around this website. -- Others have complained that the info is too wordy & they can't find anything or the site is too large to figure out. -- Some like the site but don't know how to use its navigation. -- The requests for changing this page often conflict each other & range from "too much information and repetition" to "not enough information & guidance." -- This box was written to correct these difficulties - its text is far less than a tenth of a percent of all the info on the site, but it will help you find that other info easier & more efficiently. -- I have put in answers to as many complaints or confusions as I can remember. So it does go on and on. FOR YOU - Just read down from the top and get back to the site when you get your needed answers. - ![]() for, please do not hesitate to phone or email me for free and ask. I personally respond to all contacts. 321-726-9083, 321-726-9083 louisryoshin@yahoo.com 1. Structural Integration & Netherton-Reichian Release Processing are not hard to understand, but they are new to a lot of people, & then it requires a little reading. 2. I also explain things, for you, free, on the phone. And then direct you to 1, 2, or 3 specific articles to read for YOUR needs. You may call me first. 3. So this site has a LOT of info, and much of it is tailored to different categories of people, to relate it to their fields, or their specific questions. ![]() Only my Mother's Second Cousin on her Paternal Grandfather's side is required to read it all. But he likes to read anyway. He's a Book Editor. ---------- ![]() ALL THE LINKS, in both this page's left and right side columns, have descriptive titles, so they will tell you what you'll be going to, and how that can specifically help you with your body and body-mind. My experience with people who have actually contacted me has said that people come to the website either for a particular topic, or they just read everything & they have no problem at all getting to a lot of information. THUS: This website's PAGES ARE ARRANGED in TOPIC GROUPS. Many ARTICLES in each of these groups, and the SUB-MENUS that will take you to ADDITIONAL ARTICLES, appear on the HOME page RIGHT SIDE MENU. So each article page has links to other pages in its section, so you can go directly to the other articles of the SAME INTEREST GROUP without returning to HOME or a separate Menu page. ALSO - On every article page, ON THE TOP colored area is ALWAYS a link to HOME, ON THE TOP MOST LINE At the BOTTOM OF THE ARTICLE you'll find the same or even more links. HOME is the site directory page. HOME takes you into other group topics. ARTICLES are linked to each other according to their SAME TOPIC. For OTHER TOPICS, come HOME FIRST or Go To FREE ARTICLES Page. AND see RIGHT SIDE Menu. ----------- WHAT TO READ? ![]() athletes, seniors, yoga students, accident victims, people in trauma and so forth, THE SAME WAY Read the SAME ARTICLES for ALL Read DIFFERENT TESTIMONIAL LISTS ------------- This site has TWO PURPOSES 1.) A lot of educational information; this is a mini research library. See Menus 2.) to tell people what I do for you & how to get self help products. See Most Popular Requests Once you're at an ARTICLE, ON THE TOP colored area is ALWAYS a link to HOME, AND it has links to OTHER PAGES in its section, Site Visitors - Category 1 What YOU should do. SOME PEOPLE come looking for help and DO want DETAILED information. They want to know if I'm qualified to help them. They come here specifically to find out what my services are all about. For you folks, just please read the rest of this white box. Site Visitors - Category 2 What YOU should do. IF YOU were referred to this HOME Page by ME, to find Specific Info, Go to the DETAILED Menu On Right Side & Go to THOSE Articles right where I said they would be, in the section I said to find them in. Site Visitors - Category 3. What YOU should do. OTHER PEOPLE are referred by friends & JUST want to SCAN AROUND. They have no personal desire to solve a problem, and usually just want fast links and fast read articles to get ideas about what I do. For these people, please go directly to Quick Article Locator Library. -------------------- TELL ME ABOUT THE ARTICLES, LOU ![]() However, many of them have red and black boldface type areas so you can more easily scan the text without reading all the details. Information Article pages have a purposely designed narrower than full width size, large type and a green side background to make it easier on the eyes, and easier to read a lot of information with less strain. Some of them have information that scanners might think is extra. The info is there because some Goggle & AOL search selections, and some webring links, take those people directly to these "inside" pages. I want them to look at other areas of the site, too. ------------------- WHAT'S THE PURPOSE OF YOUR SITE, ![]() Basically, on this site, there is: 1. Structural Integration & Structural Stretching Information and 2. Body-Mind Therapy information. But there is an overlap because Structural treatment "in this way" plays an integral part in body-mind improvement & Body-Mind improvements "in this way" always improve the structure. Further, nutritional herbs and foods that help nourish the internal organs actually improve both the upright structure and the emotional and psychological demeanor. So...There is also natural health & nutritional information, & breath counting concentration meditation instruction, especially as they relate to helping you with structural improvement, emotional trauma release and personal or professional development, as well as general health. ----------- HOW TO GET AROUND EASILY & FIND WHAT YOU WANT Man, Lou, I feel intimidated by all this information, and 5 menus, migod, am I in some 10 star restaurant? CAN'T YOU EXPLAIN IT ALL TO ME SIMPLER? ![]() RIGHT SIDE The right side detailed menu is arranged in topics, with a table of contents listing the categories on the menu. See the "Detailed Links Table of Contents" Under the Beige Box. Folks, this is all I originally had, and then some people asked me for the following: There is also a Quick Link Menu just above this Detailed Menu Table of Contents Quick links means one, two or so words that tell you where you'll go. And this includes, two links to ways to navigate the site to find the articles you want quickly, or as they relate to your areas of interest that you'll read about. ![]() The very top screen on the wide left side has a number of links to more info on the subjects. Click the Underlineds. Some people have questioned why the site title & the top paragraph on this screen lists things I do right there. It's because that way, the website will rank higher on the search engines so people can find the info in the first place. Some search engines count words near the top of the page more than words down lower on the page. This wide left side below the top screen has MANY SPECIFICALLY HELPFUL items, some qualified with little black type information on top of them, so you'll know whether to read or skip it. ---------------------- WHAT MADE YOU EMPHASIZE THINGS ON THIS WEBSITE AS YOU DO, LOU? WHAT ARE YOU SPECIALIZING IN? THIS SITE IS HERE TO immediately fix some people's concerns, and to educate more people so they can then fix their concerns. I am a college degreed Engineer - I currently specialize in People Engineering. THE INFORMATION ON THIS HOME PAGE IS specifically geared to the most significant needs people actually call or email me for, which are: ![]() stretching videos and/or books and/or hands-on. 2.) Emotional trauma, loss, abuse, accidents, negative pattern release. 3.) Bodyworkers who want detailed technical information in their field and/or information &/or consultations about their careers or about their clients. ![]() people. SEE BOTH THE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE COLUMNS FOR ALL THIS INFORMATION. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG FOLLOWING EITHER SIDE IF YOU KEEP SCROLLING AND READING, AND FOLLOWING LINKS. ------------------------ K. PRAISE FOR THE SITE INFO & IDEAS OF HOW WE CAN WORK TOGETHER IF YOU WOULD LIKE A REDESIGN OF THE TYPE, GRAPHICS, NAVIGATION, ETC. ![]() -- People who hired me for thousands of dollars or bought some videos & books for under a hundred dollars, have both said this is the most informative site on this subject and helps them understand what is happening in their bodies & what to do about it. And it helped them choose to hire me or get the videos, tapes and books. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REDO MY HOME PAGE, ETC This is home-made website, and it has been designed & continually revised as well as I can do it. I am open for help. Suggestions that agree with what's needed & I can implement, will be. I'll give you & your family or friends younger feeling, better looking and better performing bodies in exchange for you or someone else implementing a better web design for me. One person in Michigan had a whole design set up for me, complete with drop down menus, and we were all set to implement a trade of services when she had a 3-5 month family emergency and it stopped. Would YOU like to do it? Here's another way to find info on a specific subject. It's actually the SIXTH navigation menu. ![]() For specific Interests go to menu at right & read Physical Benefits - Start with Top 2 Menu Articles Fix Backs - Read Back Book info & Top 2 menu items Chronic Muscle Tightness - Read Fixing Accumulated Shortness - on Menu Athletic Performance - Read Sports Medicine & Athletic Performance - on Menu Stretching - Read Stretching Video on Menu & Stretching Tips on Free Articles Page Stress Removal - Read Stress Removal of the Bodywork & Testimonials on Menu Fibromyalgia - Read Fixing Fibromyalgia on Menu Benefits for Yoga - Read Improves Yoga Abilities on Menu Bodymind Therapy - Read Bodymind Section of menu in order Increasing Specialized Kinesiology's Benefits - Read SK articles on Menu Increasing Postural Integration Benefits - Read Postural Integration Plus on Menu After reading the articles, also Read the related testimonials A Testimonial List is on DETAILED Menu at right in Section 4 & also a set of TESTIMONIAL category links is just below this box. People Engineering ![]() by a degreed Electrical Engineer who worked on the Space Shuttle Computer System. Scientists discover new information. Engineers use that information to help people. And we solve problems, especially because we are trained to keep asking "why," and "how." Why are things as they are, and how do we make them better? So we use methods that take the condition from what is given now to the result we wish to achieve in the near future. A Whole Person Engineering Approach to Significant Physical, Psychological & Performance Improvement, Fast & Easily. * My "product" is a better YOU. And in the midst of making a better you, any problems you originally came to me for, are removed, or at least noticeably diminished, simply because those problems are manifestations of a "less better" you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Because the methods are scientifically developed & applied, and because I also have the ability to monitor our progress every step of the way, I always have had good results. ![]() I make who you "are" better... So everything you "do" is better ! I make people feel better, perform better, even look better. Your success is my business ! * Lou Gross, B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1965 School Certified Master Postural Integrator, 1982 2000+ hrs Specialized Body & Bodymind Training 36 years Strong Spiritual, Meditation & Personal Growth Experience About Lou Gross - Education Director of The Institute for Enhanced Performance, Body Structure & Bodymind Clearing Expert I specialize in one-on-one communication, information & support. Plus Great Hands, Broad Knowledge from 23 years of practice, true heart felt compassion & Personal, There-for-You Service. * ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Louis A. Gross All Rights Reserved Return to Top of this Page Return to Top of Home Page |